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The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Technomage.

Hobson’s Pledge Trust

The proposal to spend $1.3 billion in the next financial year on “Maori” cannot go without comment. Proposed spending includes:

  1. $427.8 million supposedly for “Crown-Maori” relations, but actually for Treaty settlements.
  2. $380 million to deliver 1000 new homes for Maori including housing on Maori land, repairs to about 700 Maori-owned homes, and expanding support services.
  3. $242.8 million for Maori health initiatives including the new Maori Health Authority.
  4. $150 million for Maori education including $20 million to support Maori boarding schools.
  5. $42 million for Maori media.
  6. $23.4 million for the well-being of Maori children and families.
  7. $15 million for Maori tourism.
  8. $14.1 million for tribal data collection.
  9. $14.8 million for a Maori language strategy so that one million New Zealanders will be able to speak basic Maori by 2040. See Budget 21
The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Technomage.

A total $1.4 billion has been set aside over four years to spend on Treaty settlements (which is on top of the $4 billion already paid). See Treaty settlements.

Our position is that policy measures intended to support those who need special assistance from government should be based on need, and not on ethnicity.

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