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Is Kiwi Money No Good Around Here?

Is Kiwi Money No Good Around Here?

Winston Peters won’t change Luxon’s mind. But you can. You can offer to fund any new infrastructure projects. You can choose to invest in New Zealand and build a home for your grandkids where the people in power are incentivised to do the right thing.

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A Better Idea

A Better Idea

Donald Trump’s instinct is to relocate the inhabitants, flatten what’s left and build the sort of city that people from all around the world would want to inhabit.

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You Best Jump Emily, Jump

You Best Jump Emily, Jump

Reality is coming. As sure as night follows day, it’s coming. Reality cannot be denied. Reality cannot be tricked. Reality is unforgiving. Don’t be the last person left defending this deranged ideology.

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Of Baldness and Treachery

Of Baldness and Treachery

“Yes, it is true, they have managed to turn their parliament into a bad joke,” agreed Fritz. “But we need Cluxon to win the election in 2026 to finish the job and I fear that he has made his antipathy to his voters too clear, too early.

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