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“Iwi versus Peewee”: A Good, Old-Fashioned Debate

“Iwi versus Peewee”: A Good, Old-Fashioned Debate

It is the particular tragedy of contemporary New Zealand politics that, with the noble exception of Bradbury’s Working Group, the critical cultural, political and constitutional issues raised by the Treaty Principles Bill will not be fairly, frankly or fearlessly debated anywhere else.

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If Argentina Can, NZ Should Too

If Argentina Can, NZ Should Too

While NZ’s National Government uses the cost-of-living crisis as justification to continue spending more than it takes in tax revenue, Argentina has a much more serious cost-of-living crisis that is fuelling President Milei’s determination to slash state spending to surplus levels within one year.

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Why We Hate the News

Why We Hate the News

Basically because they are bent, biased and no longer relevant. But the academics think it’s because right wingers hate the news.

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Trump Deserves to Win... Again

Trump Deserves to Win... Again

Trump’s presidency was historic for many reasons but it became clear that he truly would do great things for his country and have the 24/7 media machine telling the world how terrible those same things were.

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Why Does She Still Have a Job?

Why Does She Still Have a Job?

In a classic case of a tone-deaf civil servant who thinks she knows best, Solicitor-General Una Jagose issued and then retracted a sentencing guidance document that gave Māori a literal get-out-of-jail-free card based entirely on ethnicity.

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The Good Oil News Quiz

The Good Oil News Quiz

Are you an avid reader of The Good Oil? Take our News quiz to find out how much information you can recall from our articles published this week.

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The Good Oil News Quiz

The Good Oil News Quiz

Are you an avid reader of The Good Oil? Take our News quiz to find out how much information you can recall from our articles published this week.

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The Sad Story at 1News

The Sad Story at 1News

Staff at 1News are part of the problem, but they could also be part of the solution if they presented the news in an objective, non-partisan manner. Then some viewers and advertisers might return and aid the company’s balance sheet

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