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LONDON, ENGLAND – OCTOBER 22: People participate in a ‘Bring Them Home’ solidarity rally in Trafalgar Square calling for the release of hostages held in Gaza by Hama on October 22, 2023 in London, England. The Israeli government says 210 hostages were taken by Hamas from communities in southern Israel during the Palestinian militant group’s surprise attack on October 7th. The hostages, which include Israelis as well as foreign nationals, are being held captive in the Gaza Strip. Only two have been released so far. (Photo by Peter Nicholls/Getty Images)

So far in this series we’ve debunked the following “pro-Palestinian” propaganda: that the rapist butchers of Hamas are “resistance fighters”, the obvious stupidity of the Marxist claim that Jews are “settler colonialists” in their own homeland, and the obnoxiously false claim that Israel is an “apartheid state”.

A large part of the explanation as to why the green left believes such obvious stupidities, apart from deep-seated anti-Semitism, is that they are simply too ignorant to understand the buzzwords they parrot.

This is nowhere more true than when it comes to that other moron-chant: “genocide”.

No single element of the “pro-Palestine” propaganda has gained as much traction as the charge that Israel is carrying out a genocide against Palestinians.

This ludicrous accusation predates October 7, despite the demonstrable fact that the Palestinian population has increased dramatically, with more than half under 18. It’s a weird state of affairs that a place can have a genocide and a baby boom simultaneously. But such obvious contradictions never bother the left. Nor the corrupt, anti-Semitic globalists.

Not content with fabricating and perpetuating the charge that Israel is an apartheid state, South Africa’s ANC ramped up its hostilities against the Jewish state on December 29, 2023, when it filed charges of genocide at the International Court of Justice. On January 26, 2024, the ICJ refused to throw out the case.

Considering Germany’s history, its objection that “This accusation has no basis whatsoever” should hold special significance to the ICJ. Berlin’s statement that it “firmly and expressly rejects the accusation of genocide that has now been made against Israel” also acknowledged South Africa’s “political instrumentalization” of the term.
“The problem for South Africa, the U.N., and many academics is that neither the genocide accusation, nor its brother, the ethnic cleansing accusation, stands up to scrutiny.”

Consider the UN-approved definition of “genocide”:

“Acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.” In addition to mass murder, other indicators of genocide and ethnic cleansing are “measures intended to prevent births” such as forced sterilization and “transferring children.”

Not a single one of those is occurring, or has occurred, in “Palestine”.

No data supports the charge of “ethnic cleansing” or “genocide” against Israel. On the contrary, the Palestinian population has grown steadily since 1948, sometimes remarkably so. The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) itself acknowledges that the “Palestinian population has increased 8-fold since the [1948] Nakba.”

This is not what a geocide looks like.

In 2016, the United Nations warned that “rapid growth in the Palestinian population” it had documented would soon create a “crisis in unemployment” and “a strained infrastructure.”

In 2022, the Arab News reported that “the high growth rate among Palestinians” will “cause concern for Israel.”

This is not how ethnic cleansing works.

Just as there is no “apartheid” in Israel, there’s no “genocide” on the part of Israelis, either.

Non-Jewish citizens of Israel are not second-class citizens, and no one is trying to prevent them from having babies. Arab Muslim citizens of Israel work the same jobs as Jewish citizens. Many volunteer to serve in the IDF, though they are not required to do so. There are Arab Muslim members of the Knesset (Parliament), and the Supreme Court.

But there is unapologetically genocidal intent by Israel’s enemies. When the revolting Chloe Swarbrick screeches “From the River to the Sea”, she’s knowingly screaming Hamas’ genocidal war cry, calling for the wholesale extermination of Jews in Israel, and then the world.

The Hamas charter states clearly that “Israel will exist and continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.” Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently noted that Israel’s enemies “continue to openly call for the annihilation of Israel and the mass murder of Jews.”

The so-called “founder of the Palestinian national movement,” Haj Amin al-Hussaini, invited Hitler to expand his “final solution” to the Middle East. As the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in 1937, he commanded all his “Muslim brothers” in a Proclamation to the Islamic World: “Do not rest until your land is free of the Jews.”

On October 11, 1947, less than 6 weeks before the U.N Partition vote, the first-ever Secretary General of the Arab League, Azzam Pasha, threatened “a war of extermination and momentous massacre” should there be a Jewish state established “in Palestine” […]

When given the opportunity, the enemies of Israel have followed through with their threats. Amos Oz, who lived through the 1948 War of Independence, wrote in his memoir, A Tale of Love and Darkness (2003), that during the war, “Arabs implemented a more complete ‘ethnic cleansing’ in the territories they conquered than the Jews did … The settlements were obliterated, and the synagogues and cemeteries were razed to the ground.”

The final proof of the lie of “genocide” is in the actions of Hamas’ leadership themselves.

Consider the case of Saeb Erekat, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council and senior PLO negotiator who himself charged Israel with genocide. When Erekat was gravely ill in October 2020, he chose to be treated in an Israeli hospital.

The Investigative Project on Terrorism

Which would make as much sense as a Jew in Auschwitz asking Herr Doktor Mengele to take their appendix out.
