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Photo by Element5 Digital. The BFD.

Stuart Smith
National MP

It’s incredible to think that this is already the 100th edition of the newsletter. It’s a good time to reflect on why I started writing these weekly updates in the first place. I was frustrated with the mainstream media for not fact-checking the Government and for not providing balanced coverage of alternative views.

Throughout history, the Fourth Estate has played a critical role in questioning Government policies and scrutinizing their decisions, while providing equal coverage to different viewpoints. Sadly, today’s media landscape has changed, and critical issues like lockdowns, immigration settings, rising crime and our failing healthcare sector are not getting the scrutiny they deserve.

The rollout of the foundational policies of the He Puapua plan, Three Waters and the separatist health sector is of great concern as these policies directly threaten our one-person, one-vote democracy.

Given the lack of media coverage of the National Party’s opposition to these policies, I felt it was necessary to communicate the party’s position through this newsletter. The growing number of subscribers and feedback received highlights the frustration many New Zealanders feel about the direction our country is taking.

Notwithstanding the importance of the shambolic portfolio of policies, it is the cost-of-living crisis that will ultimately determine the outcome of the election. As mortgages roll on to higher interest rates, more families are struggling to put food on the table while the government continues to waste taxpayers hard-earned money.

We were told the blowout in government spending was due to the pandemic, but government spending is still growing. It is lower socioeconomic people that are affected the most in economic downturns, a fact that is completely lost on Labour and their cadre of socialist support parties.

The upcoming election is an opportunity to change the direction of our nation. We all have two votes: one for the candidate representing our electorate and another for the party we want to form the government. There are two clear choices: a vote for a Labour-led Government is a vote for a continuation of the slide into hard economic times; while a vote for a National-led Government is a vote for sound economic management and the primacy of one person, one vote of equal value.

Those considering splitting their votes for smaller parties should think carefully, as this could lead to extreme outcomes. For example, the Greens would take Labour even further left, cementing the economic downward spiral and a separatist agenda. While voting for ACT risks a one-term National-led Government making it difficult to cement the directional change we so desperately need.

As we arrive at the 100th issue there is much to be positive about, such as our suite of policy announcements:

  • Delivering more nurses and midwives
  • Getting Back to Farming
  • Electrify NZ
  • Teaching the Basics Brilliantly
  • Family Boost
  • Local water done well
  • Dealing with the cost of living crisis
  • Combating youth offending
  • Unlocking economic growth
  • Backing police, tackling gangs
  • Delivering tax relief
  • Welfare that works

Details can be found here:

National has a plan which can and will deliver for all New Zealanders, not just a select few. Ultimately, the choice is yours and I urge everyone to consider it carefully.
