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4 Months in Prison Looks Like Overkill

Billy Te Kahika

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

Who is Defending our Bill of Rights?

NZDSOS are concerned by the draconian sentencing of Billy Te Kahika for exercising a fundamental right of New Zealand citizens – Right 16 – the right to freedom of peaceful assembly.  In August of 2021 when New Zealand was placed into lockdown over a single ‘case’ (positive PCR test) of covid 19, he wanted to object.

He had been following the science and knew that the covid-19 ‘pandemic’ was being exaggerated and that the truth was being misrepresented.  New Zealanders were being locked down under false pretences.

New Zealanders had already been locked down illegally in 2020 when the first 9 days of the initial lockdown from 26 March to 3 April were declared illegal in the Borrowdale vs Director General of Health case.

“While there is no question that the requirement was a necessary, reasonable and proportionate response to the COVID-19 crisis at that time, the requirement was not prescribed by law and was therefore contrary to the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act.”

Billy Te Kahika also knew the PCR was a test of dubious validity and its inventor had specifically advised against it being used for diagnostic purposes, he knew the infection fatality rate (number of infected people who died) of covid was similar to a bad flu, he knew that there were effective treatments that were being suppressed, he knew that lockdowns and the government’s response were far more lethal than the pandemic.

Billy wanted to stand up on behalf of New Zealanders.  He was thoughtful and phoned to alert the police to his intentions.  He exercised his right to peaceful protest and was arrested and charged with organising and attending a protest.  He has recently been in court facing these charges.  Rather than uphold the rights of Billy Te Kahika (and by extension New Zealanders in general) the judge, Justice Peter Winter, has chosen to make an example of Billy TK and has sentenced him to four months in jail.  This is a harsher sentence than many serious offenders get.

Billy has been granted bail while appealing the sentence, but Justice Winter imposed bail conditions that restricted yet another fundamental right supposedly protected by the NZ Bill of Rights Act (BORA) – Right 14 the right to freedom of expression which states: “Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and opinions of any kind in any form.”

Billy was forbidden the use of the internet for the purposes of discussing his sentencing or the upcoming appeal on social media.

This bail condition was appealed and Justice Timothy Brewer was quick to overturn it.  He determined that there was no basis for such restrictions and the condition was contrary to the BORA.

NZDSOS supports Billy Te Kahika’s rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of expression.

A petition has been organised on behalf of Billy to protest this draconian action by the NZ Judiciary and calls for either a complete dismissal of charges or the removal of the prison sentence.

Watch: Billy Te Kahika Interview on The Highwire

Billy Te Kahika spoke to Del Bigtree of The Highwire last week to explain more about his case and its significance. Thanks to Coronavirus Plushie for this clip from the full video.

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