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Is the Answer ‘Yip Yip Yip’?

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Luke

The wheels are falling off the global war on Covid trolley faster than the experts can hammer them back on again and New Zealand is blind and deaf to overseas developments that should be turning the way we wage war on Covid on its head.

Photoshopped image credit Wibble. The BFD.

The prime minister has been missing since the middle of December. In her absence, we assume she would answer the question below in same way she responded to the question on mandatory vaccination creating a second-tier class of citizens: with “Yip, yip, yip”.

Questions for PM Jacinda Ardern

  1. Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said this week We know the two-dose vaccine offers very limited protection, if any. The three doses with a booster, offers reasonable protection against hospitalization and death.” Initially Pfizer claimed their vaccine achieved 95% immunity but, given the fleeting protection at that level, do you think the Pfizer booster shots will provide longer lasting immunity?
  2. Pfizer are designing a vaccine specifically for Omicron which they expect to be ready for distribution by the end of March 2022. Will you make the new vaccine mandatory for NZ workers despite Omicron being a relatively mild variant that does not cause serious illness and death?
  3. Will you continue to make vaccination mandatory for people who have recovered from Covid despite a large Israeli study showing the vaccinated were 13 times more at risk of Delta breakthrough infection than those who had recovered from a Covid infection?
  4. Do you think New Zealanders have the appetite for more shots each time a new Covid variant appears?
  5. Covid is spreading among the fully vaccinated and boosted. Double jabbed residents in confined communities in Antarctica and also on cruise ships, and two thirds of the Warriors squad who were isolated pre-season became infected with Covid. Will you keep mandating vaccination when vaccination does not stop the Covid spread or prevent hospitalisation?
  6. Brownstone reported on two studies on the effect of Covid on children. A German study of 5-18 year old children found no deaths from Covid and a Swedish study of 1,951,905 children aged between 1 to 16 years who attended school largely without lockdowns or masks also resulted in no Covid deaths among children.

Dr Robert Malone says the mRNA vaccine has the potential to cause irreparable damage in children. So will you continue to vaccinate New Zealand children even though their risk of dying from the disease is negligible and there is an unknown long-term risk of irreparable damage from the mRNA vaccine?

8. The Australian government recognises Australians have experienced adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines and has promised to recompense around 79,000 injured. Will you do the same?

9. Will you continue to mandate Covid vaccination for some government employees even though NZ human rights law and international law around the Nuremberg code should prevent New Zealanders from being coerced into receiving experimental vaccines?

10. Do you agree with media who refute the claim of mass formation psychosis, explained by Mattias Desmet, professor of clinical psychology at Ghent University in Belgium and supported by Dr Robert Malone?  He asserted that ‘mass formation psychosis’ created general public acceptance of illogical and unscientific Covid rules and vaccine mandates that don’t stop Covid or achieve herd immunity?

11. New Zealand uses PCR testing to detect Covid cases but the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has withdrawn emergency use authorisation for the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) use of its CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel for SARS-CoV-2 detection because it was found to produce too many false positives. Will you continue to use PCR testing to diagnose Covid-19 even though the testing may be unreliable?

12. Will you continue to ban the use of off-label Covid treatments such as ivermectin despite studies showing both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are effective in reducing hospitalisation and death from Covid when used in conjunction with other drugs and particular protocols?

13. Will you purchase the new Pfizer and Merck antiviral treatments for treating Covid despite minimal testing, no long term clinical trials completed and a claim that both Pfizer’s and Merck’s drugs have serious drawbacks? (The biggest drawback is that they can cause life-threatening reactions with widely used medications like statins [taken by people with high blood pressure], blood thinners, and even some antidepressants, and the FDA doesn’t recommend Paxlovid for people who have severe liver and kidney disease).

14. Did you know that repeated use of the mRNA vaccine may do the opposite of achieving a positive immune response to Covid and instead produce a negative Covid immune response?

15. Did you know that the Covid vaccine is not the same as the annual flu vaccine which does not have the potential for permanent damage to the immune system and vital organs like the spleen, ovaries, heart and brain that the mRNA vaccine has?

16. Are you still our one source of truth for Covid information including that Covid vaccination is safe and effective despite growing evidence to the contrary including that reported deaths and adverse reactions to the vaccine are understated?

17. Do you think people know Omicron is not the deadly virus media choose to scare us into believing it is?

18. German government data “suggests that most of the ‘fully vaccinated’ will have full-blown Covid-19 vaccine-induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) by the end of January 2022, after confirming that the immune systems of the fully vaccinated have already degraded to an average of minus 87%” making the vaccinated eight times more likely to contract Omicron than the unvaccinated?

19. Do you think it is reasonable that the government, media and big pharma censor people’s ability to make informed decisions about Covid prevention and treatment by withholding important information?

References to studies and commentary from scientists, immunologists, virologists and doctors are found on websites like Zerohedge, Bitchute, Rumble, Odyssey, Rebel News, Conservative Treehouse, Brownstone, the Epoch Times and SubStack. Google’s search engines do not like alternative sites that don’t question the big pharma-political narratives and will turn up alternative sites supporting the popular view.

Social media censors posts contradicting popular Covid narratives and Twitter recently banned Dr Robert Malone permanently for expressing his opinion in a field where he is considered an expert.
