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When one goes to investigate the meaning of the word ‘spare’ one finds it can be used as an adjective, a noun and a verb. As an adjective it means what Harold is – additional to what is required for ordinary use. As a noun it means ‘an item kept in case another item of the same type is lost, broken or worn out’. Or in Harry’s case, that his brother can no longer carry out his duties. This, of course, has been diluted with the addition of William’s and Kate’s children, Harry now being fifth in line to the throne. As a verb it means ‘to give (something of which one has enough) to someone’.

If Harry had used the word ‘spare’ as a verb rather than the title of a book, his position would be very different to what it is now. He would be giving back, not in wealth but in public service, to his subjects. This is exactly the message he got from his mother. She told him that in return for his privileged position he was born into he would have to provide a life of service to his people. Why has he not heeded her words when he speaks so fondly of her?

It is becoming increasingly apparent that Harry is either getting poor advice or none at all. The words in the book are not his; they are the work of a ghost writer. The question has to be asked as to who has supplied the material in the book to this person. I haven’t read the book but have heard enough to know its contents contain everything from the pathetic to the salacious. It is a book written with felonious intent. That intent is to deliberately try to damage, if not destroy, the monarchy.

So who would want to do that? Not Harry. Not in his heart of hearts. The answer is simple: his wife. Meghan Markle displays all the traits of a narcissist of the worst kind, caring for nobody but herself. She doesn’t care who she hurts along the way. She has written her own family off and successfully driven a wedge between a weak Harry and his family. Meghan has brainwashed Harry into thinking she is in the right and his family is in the wrong.

This woman’s viciousness knows no bounds. She will create endless amounts of chaos to suit her own ends. The book is full of lies. Does this remind you of someone else speaking from the ‘pulpit of truth’? Jacinda Ardern has said that she has formed a strong bond with Meghan. I’m not surprised. Birds of a feather stick together. I doubt Harry, deep down, is comfortable with the lies. He has been duped by Meghan into making a lot of these claims.

Narcissists have an insatiable appetite for control. Total control. The way to achieve their goal is to divide those around them and turn them against each other. This is the situation Harry now finds himself in. While acceding to Meghan’s playbook he at the same time professes a desire to reconcile with his family, particularly his father and brother. He is programmed to the point where he thinks this is possible despite the fact he continues to berate them.

What Meghan has achieved is to take him further away from his family with every utterance he makes. Every move he makes, books, TV interviews etc are the last things he should be doing if he wants a reconciliation. She has got him to the point where he shares her envy of William and Kate and what they have. Harry must know William and Kate are honouring Diana’s wishes and giving a life of service. William, as heir to the throne, has little choice.

Meghan’s problem is that she wants the glamour without the work. She is quite happy strutting around waving with a ‘look at me’ in the body language but on her terms. A narcissist does not want anyone controlling them. Meghan is both a gold digger and a hole digger. The hole she is digging for Harry is getting deeper by the day and as he sinks further into it, there is less chance of a reconciliation. This will give Meghan great pleasure. Even greater pleasure will be to see the global reaction and the world turning against Harry as a result of the book. Everything is going to plan.

Where to now for Harry? He is in an almost impossible position. He is going to have to choose between his wife and his family. Meghan has him exactly where she wants him. Hers, and hers alone. To extricate himself Harold will either have to ‘grow a pair’ or kiss his family goodbye. Should he do so then he might have to kiss Meghan goodbye because narcissists don’t hang around. She’ll be lining up the next one to control. With her will go the children. She wins either way.

We can conclude that, through all of this Hollywood type drama, Harry is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. The sharpest knife is in fact being used on him. He is now being viewed by most as a fool, a village idiot and a right royal chump. He has become mentally unstable, and delusional and needs help. His injudicious comment as to the number of Taliban he killed has put himself, his family and the Royals as targets to anyone who is of a mind to do damage. Reconciliation would be the best for Harry, but at what cost?

Harry reminds me of the Kris Kristofferson song The Pilgrim, Chapter 35

He’s a walkin’ contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction Takin’ every wrong direction on his lonely way back home.

There are a lot of wrong directions on that lonely way back home.

In all of this chaos, one person has a lot to answer for – Meghan Markle.
