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If you ever wondered, as I once did, how the Nazis took control of Germany so easily, now you have your answer. People just comply. They don’t think, they don’t question… they just comply.

First it was lockdowns, to save the health service (while nurses produced Tiktok videos on empty wards), along with a lot of hand washing, sanitising and social distancing. Surgeries were cancelled; COVID trumped everything. Then it was masks – first only on public transport (even at Level 1, when we had no known cases in the country at all), but now at all times in public places, even if it is just crossing the restaurant floor to get to your table. Does it never occur to anyone that, if you are contagious when you enter a restaurant, you are STILL CONTAGIOUS when you sit down at the table? No? WHY THE HELL NOT?

People just comply. They don’t think. They just comply.

Now it is traffic lights and vaccine passports. Britain has a traffic light system, but theirs is for international travel, where some countries are ‘green’, meaning there are no travel restrictions. Clearly, Jacinda needs to have a little chat with Boris when she jets off to London to sign the Free Trade Agreement because our traffic light system determines when we are allowed to leave, not the country, but the house. Once again, the Brits are way ahead of us.

But for me, the final straw is vaccination passports. This is a bridge too far.

I hate masks, but I wear one, more out of consideration for supermarket and hospitality staff who are required to enforce government rules while being paid minimum wage. None of this is their fault. I am double jabbed, not to please Jacinda, but because I am asthmatic and want to avoid any diseases that affect the respiratory system if I can. But that’s it. Now I am going to have to produce papers when I go to the hairdresser, a restaurant or a clothing store, to prove that I am a good little Nazi.

Not on your life.

And yet, when I expressed concerns about the vaccine passport last night to friends, I was told that “this is just the way our world is going to be”.

People just comply. They don’t ask questions. They just comply.

So in just over 18 months, we have gone from enjoying all the freedoms of the modern world to being forced to stay home, allowing our movements to be tracked when leaving the house, mandatory vaccinations (just about), mask-wearing in all public places and now having to show papers to prove medical status.

Tell me… when do they start building the gulags?

Gulags. Cartoon credit BoomSlang.

Why don’t paedophiles have to produce papers? Rapists? Thieves? Convicted drug dealers? These people walk among us, potentially dangerous to the people they meet but it is only the unvaccinated that are treated like the Untermensschen in our society. There is something badly wrong here.

To my enormous disappointment, Chris Bishop, former MP for Hutt South, is a huge supporter of vaccine passports, bemoaning the fact that the government has not got on with the production of them fast enough, accusing them of incompetence because of it.

Chris… what exactly are you saying? Do you actually want us all to have to show papers when we go to the hairdresser? Really?

The BFD. The stylist vill see you soon. Do you want a blowout, bowl cut, buzz cut, Caesar, comb-over, crew cut, disconnected undercut, dreadlocks, fade and taper, faux hawk, French crop, fringe, high fade, Ivy league, low fade, man braid, man bun, mid fade, military haircut, mohawk, pompadour, quiff, shaved sides or short back Sir?

I can’t believe it. I can’t believe any of it.

My husband’s aunt died in Auckland and had no funeral. Gang funerals seem to go ahead though. New Zealand citizens have been unable to come home for months; much-needed professionals from overseas cannot gain entry to the country, yet The Wiggles, Ru Paul and Ricardo Menendez-March’s boyfriend all managed to get in. I always thought ‘Brave New World‘ and ‘1984‘ were works of fiction but now I see they are actually works of current affairs, written just slightly ahead of time.

However, if I am going to die in a ditch about anything, it will be the vaccine passport.

How can people, ostensibly intelligent people, just accept this latest development without batting an eyelid? That is what is happening out there; one more step down the rabbit-hole of compliance and no one says a word. This is just the way our world is going to be, and there is nothing to be done about it. We’ll be fine.

No. We won’t.

Well Jacinda – and Chris Bishop – excuse my use of the vernacular, but you can stick your COVID passport where the sun don’t shine. No doubt I’ll end up in the gulag anyway, but it was probably only a matter of time.

A Bridge Too Far is a brilliant movie about World War 2, where people fought for their freedoms, for the release from evil and extreme cruelty. It seems appropriate somehow to quote that movie today. Our fathers and grandfathers fought for the freedoms that most of our people are giving away without a second thought because they are so trusting and completely stupid. No government that takes away freedoms ever gives them all back. History has shown us that. It has got to stop.

For me, it stops now.

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