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Photo by Natalia Y/ The BFD



And it came to pass that lepers approached the land, threatening Prosperiddy, for great are the woes lepers bringith, and the people became afraid, saying unto Queen Toofy: what shall we do?

And the queen counselled not her brightest, nor her best, but unto her imbeciles she searched for though not at all clever; they were plentiful, and praised Toofy much, saying unto them: what shall we do?

Forsooth, cried the fools, we should plunge a great hole in Prosperiddy, that therein we shall be safe, but merchants wicked and alchemists of contagion both demurred much, saying: just lock them out – for although they bringith money, verily they bring us also disease.

Thus Queen Toofy pondered, for among the lepers were pilgrims come, from places myriad, including Publiciddy, which Toofy admired much, unto worship her. And verily the queen declared – ‘I shall lock them out, when it’s too late, and dig a hole’, such was Prosperiddy smote by her wisdom that the people bowed and praised.

The lepers in, the gates were locked, the great hole was dug; yea, though the people suffered much, yet they toiled. And all the people, in groups of less than fifty, descended with their Queen into the very expensive hole, some saying; ‘we are safe, and behold – lives are saved’. Yet there were malcontents – for we are now in a hole, will we ever see Prosperiddy again? Sayeth Toofy: ‘I have just the right person’:


And the people of Prosperiddy were once again filled with hope, and dread.

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