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A Centre-Right Government Is a Must

Act leader David Seymour and National leader Christopher Luxon. Image credit The BFD.

It is becoming increasingly obvious that electing a centre-right government is a must. We have an ever-changing political landscape and, from a right-wing perspective, the risk of not achieving this aim is becoming more apparent by the day. There is a very real chance of New Zealand ceding democracy as we know it to a cabal of money-grabbing individuals wishing to describe themselves as ‘first settlers’. Their aim is twofold: mana and money. One follows the other.

The word democracy comes from the Greek words “demos” meaning people and “kratos” meaning power: The power of the people. It is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. The bold typeface is to emphasise that democracy doesn’t give certain rights to one group or race over any other.

If giving those rights to one group or race is the true intent of the Treaty of Waitangi, then it needs to go on Chris Hipkins’s bonfire. I don’t believe that to be the case. It was put in place to ensure Maori got equal rights and were not disadvantaged. The cases of land confiscation have largely been rectified. The reality now is that the true intent of the Treaty has been hijacked by both the Maori elite and their activists, primarily for monetary gain.

“Tuku” Morgan made that abundantly clear in an interview with John Tamihere on Radio Waatea recently when they both expressed the view that “Maori own the water”. Once that is legislated the power companies would be levied a charge for water usage. Guess to whom that levy would be passed?

Mr Morgan also said: “If we get a right-leaning government we’ll get killed.”

If the polls are to be believed, the Maori Party is not only threatening to win more seats but is dangerously close to the 5% mark. The Maori Party must not be left holding the balance of power. That is a risk the country cannot afford.

The only way to avoid this with any certainty is for all those on the right to vote either National or ACT – which currently appears unlikely. Even allowing for the public mistrust of Winston Peters, NZ First has the next most appeal (taking him at his word that he will not go with Labour). In my view, he has now said this enough times to be believable. If elected, he might well choose to sit on the cross benches where he would could still exercise some power. The appeal for electing Winston is that he would be a handbrake on the Maori nonsense.

Offer him the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs; a job he has done with aplomb previously and which would have him out of the country a fair amount of the time.

The next party with some appeal is Democracy NZ led by Matt King. Whether they can get to 5% or win an electorate seat is questionable. Is it a risk voters will think is worth taking under the circumstances?

Meka Whaitiri’s waka jumping exercise can only serve to strengthen the Maori Party; a party that must not be allowed anywhere near the levers of power. They will destroy this country. They exist purely for their own ends: mana and money which are inextricably linked. Their warped idea of democracy is what they call ‘power sharing’. The truth is it’s all about power and has little to do with sharing.

If they are allowed control of water it begs the question of what comes next – air? Ridiculous as it may sound, is a breathing levy beyond these power-driven lunatics? They are endangering our country and our way of life, and our vote this election is probably the most important of our lifetime.

This election, our vote is bigger than looking at any one individual politician or party policy. It is for the survival of our democracy. It reminds me of a picture of a heavily bandaged soldier handing over a key representing democracy. His words were, “HERE IT IS. DON’T LOSE IT AGAIN.”

We are on this very precipice. We simply cannot afford a Labour/Greens/ Maori Party Government. It is a nightmare to be avoided at all costs. Think carefully about where you are going to put your tick on the ballot paper this year.
