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A Cocky Government Full of Cock-Ups

busting to go to the loo toilet public

4pm last Monday and the big announcement. Well, what we thought would be a big announcement. Instead, we were informed that Auckland would remain at level three. The real news was that the government had eliminated their elimination of Covid strategy. Another giant cock-up by this government. The elimination lasted until around the middle of the week when Hipkins told Heather du Plessis-Allan that the aim was to stamp it out.

The other big news was that we are now allowed to have a picnic – well ten of us can providing we are from no more than two households. There was no mention of how this might be monitored. The Picnic Police springs to mind. If your picnic is in the backyard of a house you are not permitted to enter the house. To get from the front to the back you have to go round the house. Clearly, this Government thinks all houses are still built on a quarter-acre section.

A member of the Picnic Police inspects a picnic. ( *photo for satirical effect. Not a photo of actual picnic police)

The picnic announcement fast turned into a food fight as yet another rule was revealed. This edict concerned where one could do one’s ones and twos, more commonly known as wees and poos. Having ruled out entry to the house the government had to come up with an alternative to the inside loo. In a stroke of genius, the answer was the nearest public loos. So one is supposed to find the nearest public convenience, depart the picnic and go there. However, the nearest public convenience is probably not so convenient, as in Auckland under the government level 3 guidelines, most public toilets are closed. So they want you to use a facility they’ve told you to but you can’t because they have told you not to.

Thanks Jacinda!

You couldn’t make this stuff up. For starters, if you were picnicking in a garden of a house owned by people you knew and you also knew there was no Covid and you were the only one in the bathroom, would that not be preferable to the public urinal? To add to the confusion those in charge of implementing this excrement couldn’t even keep their stories straight.

The PM had not surprisingly, a simple take on the matter. It was along the lines of if you’re meeting with anyone for a length of time make sure your bladder can cope. In contrast, Grant Robertson said yes to the house bathroom assuming there would only be one person in it at any one time. On the other hand, Chris Hipkins said yes providing it was an outside loo. A long drop? This is going back even further than a house on a quarter-acre section.

It reminds me of Austin Mitchell’s book The Half-Gallon Quarter-Acre Pavlova Paradise. This really is infantile claptrap. They must be serious about it or they wouldn’t make such clowns of themselves at 1 o’clock every day. Do they really think any half-intelligent person is going to adhere to this childish nonsense?

Here is the house
Here is the door
Please do not enter
You’ll get Covid for sure

Then there is the treatment of the gangs – the people whom Ardern considered so trustworthy that she gave them three million of our money to rehabilitate themselves. Some have now become essential workers. Hipkins keeps saying he has no time for the gangs but needs must, in terms of bad guys convincing other bad guys what the right thing to do is. I doubt that they’re crossing the border to get others to have the jabs or rehabilitation. It is much more likely that they are using the opportunity to move and sell drugs. It’s for a jab alright, just not the Pfizer one.

We live in a strange world where gang members are given essential worker status while Christian preachers are treated like criminals.

The Auckland borders haven’t worked. They were never going to. The wrong people are let through while others like the builder who is ten minutes from the border can’t get his fully vaccinated workers through despite having applied six times for an exemption!

Extending the border in the Waikato is a joke. That area is as penetrable as a house with the front door wide open.

MIQ is being trashed. Where is the plan for a separate stand-alone facility? Too slow with it, too slow with the vaccine rollouts, too slow getting Kiwis back home; all due to the shambles that is MIQ.

All this mess has been overseen by the global heroine of the left, Jacinda Ardern. Not so much now. The halo has slipped, the shine and sparkle are no more. This woman’s chickens are fast coming home to roost.

Ardern displays a simplistic, some might say childish, disposition.  To a degree that is a front; it is also a symptom of her inability to see through and deal with problems in a considered and coordinated manner. And part of it is also an attempt to hide a more devious plan.

Those who don’t view her in other than a Covid light will probably be oblivious to her greater plan: the implementation of her Marxist agenda along with her fellow Marxists Grant Robertson and the 67 other MPs.

Now that there is nothing but bad news on the horizon, the Covid Queen is nowhere to be seen.

It’s all bad news, so no fronting of the 1 pm press conference. A clip on the 6p m news had Ardern in Rotorua looking anything but the confident, smiley individual we have come to know. She appeared diffident and uncomfortable.

The failure to deal with Covid could be seen as deliberate in terms of implementing her agenda. There are questions to be asked:

  • Why was she so slow to order the vaccines?
  • Why did she put us last in the queue and last in the OECD?
  • Why have our lockdowns been the most stringent in the world?
  • Why have we been virtually the last country to recognise elimination is a folly?
  • Is Covid being used as a convenient cover for her more sinister intentions?

The next two years are going to be more than interesting!

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