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Crybaby one decided to try to save money with a do it yourself funeral but things went terribly wrong. Instead of accepting that it was a job best left to the professionals the crybaby instead ran to the media to say that the system is broken.

[…] he wanted a dignified send off for his mum, on his own terms.
He didn’t expect to spend the next few days driving around Tūrangi and Taupō with his deceased mother in his car.
[…] he wanted to plan the cremation himself.
He knew he needed two qualified medical professionals to sign off a cause of death certificate, then he could proceed.

However, that was when the problems started. There were three people qualified to do that sign off in his area, but after driving his mother all around the place after her death he soon found out none of them were available that weekend.

[…] the problems largely arose due to his decision to avoid a funeral home, but he believes the process is in need of an overhaul so no one else finds themselves in the position he was in.

“Every step of the way I was told to go to a funeral home,” he said.


He should have listened.

Crybaby two booked a deluxe seat on a plane because she is overweight and then ran to the media to complain when her seat was changed. The airline’s response to her complaint was to say that if she had bothered to say something to the staff at the time they would have moved her to a more suitable seat.

A Nelson woman says she was left traumatised after a harrowing Air NZ flight from Melbourne to Christchurch left her bruised and in tears.
Rebekah Siame is overweight so always books an aisle seat or pays extra to ensure she can get a spare seat next to her to avoid passing on any discomfort to a fellow passenger.

[…] on a return flight from Melbourne to Christchurch, was unexpectedly moved to a smaller seat, despite paying for an upgrade.
Siame said she paid about $150 extra for the “works deluxe” ticket, which claimed to “guarantee” a spare seat next to her.
After checking in, getting on board and looking at her boarding pass, she was horrified to see check-in staff had changed her seat.
She had been moved to a bulk head seat which has the entertainment system and meal tray built into the sides which meant there was even less room.

[…] She said it was the first time she had been moved from a seat – that she had paid extra for – and ended up in one which cut off her circulation.
“I was in obvious discomfort. I was crying … I was really moving around in the seat, I couldn’t get comfortable.
“My legs were actually losing sensation, the [blood] flow had stopped, my feet were going pins-and-needles numb. It was really horrifying what I had to endure.
“The air hostesses were sitting right there and didn’t even say something.”
She said she was too embarrassed to say something as it would just be another “humiliation”.

[…] An Air NZ spokeswoman said the Works Deluxe fare offers “a guaranteed empty seat next to her” but doesn’t guarantee a particular seat.
[…] we cannot guarantee provision of any particular seat, even if a reservation is confirmed and we reserve the right to reassign seats should we need to for operational reasons.
“This was the case on Ms Siame’s flight, where our team unfortunately needed to reassign Ms Siame’s seat in order to accommodate another customer who required medical assistance as a result of a broken leg.
“This customer was travelling with an assistant and therefore we would have been unable to offer Ms Siame an empty seat next to her if she was seated in her original seat.”
The spokeswoman said Siame checked in via a self-service kiosk, which would have alerted her to the seat change, and which she would have had to accept.
“According to our logs she did accept this change and this matter didn’t come to the attention of our airport team.
“While we can appreciate Ms Siame’s reasons for not alerting the crew on board to her discomfort, had they been made aware they could have moved her to a more comfortable seat with an empty seat next to her.”

A Newspaper
