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Covid Queen. The BFD. Cartoon credit SonovaMin

According to the “Fisherman’s Friend” Jacinda Ardern, and in the language of the supremely arrogant at the Labour campaign launch on Saturday: “When people ask, is this a COVID election, my answer is: Yes, it is.”

The epitome of the Yorkshire adage ‘Where there’s muck, there’s brass’, Ardern has grovelled in grief for personal political gain, deliberately, cynically, systematically and narcissistically. Is there any more proof required than “The official website of the New Zealand Government” ‘COVID-19 Updates’ page, which looks sober and official-enough…


…but whose (almost) every single ‘Live update’ URL links directly to Ardern’s personal Facebook page:


The lady trades in feels, not deeds, and has no plan further thought out than continuing to give other people’s money away:

“Keeping debt low is important to us, and we’ve shown that. But that need not be at the expense of health and education, and it shouldn’t mean leaving people behind. And that is the difference between Labour and others.”

I sincerely hope New Zealanders see through her emotional tripe, because although she appears completely unbothered at the cost of keeping her personal popularity buoyant, the new debt incurred has a sting in its tail:


And we all know that which she refuses to address: the salve is going to be more, much more in many cases, taxation to pay down the debt from her spendthrift outfit’s largesse.

The BFD. Cartoon credit SonovaMin

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