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A Craven Betrayal of a Brave Ally

RAFAH REFUGEE CAMP, GAZA STRIP -DECEMBER 14: Palestinian supporters of the Islamic Hamas movement burn a Star of David and a coffin symbolizing the so-called Geneva Initiative peace plan during a demonstration in the southern Gaza Strip refugee camp of Rafah December 14, 2003 to mark the 16th anniversary of the creation of their group. Hamas emerged at the start of the first Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation, or intifada, in 1987. (Photo by Abid Katib/Getty Images)

Can you imagine, while the Battle of Britain was raging, the USA urging Britain to dump Winston Churchill and negotiate an immediate ceasefire with Hitler? Negotiations which include conceding territory to the Third Reich?

Because, after all, innocent civilians were suffering from the bombing.

Neville Chamberlain is rightly condemned by history for his craven pursuit of “peace in our time” at any price – even mollifying a brutal, genocidal dictatorship and leaving it securely enthroned to pursue a reign of terror as it pleased.

Christopher Luxon, Anthony Albanese and Justin Trudeau ought to stand similarly condemned for their gutless betrayal of the Middle East’s only liberal democracy – and their pandering to a bloodthirsty tribe of savages who could give the Nazis lessons in unrepentant brutality.

The joint statement by the three leaders, Australia’s concomitant vote to support a resolution from the corrupt, antisemitic UN and Joe Biden’s call for a change of Israeli government, is the most disgusting, cowardly, craven, revolting act by Western leadership since Chamberlain handed Central Europe on a platter to the Nazi butchers.

We recognise Israel’s right to exist and right to defend itself.


Because, in their very next sentence, they make it very clear that, as far as they’re concerned, Israel has no right to meaningfully defend itself.

In defending itself, Israel must respect international humanitarian law. Civilians and civilian infrastructure must be protected. We are alarmed at the diminishing safe space for civilians in Gaza. The price of defeating Hamas cannot be the continuous suffering of all Palestinian civilians.

We remain deeply concerned by the scale of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and ongoing risks to all Palestinian civilians. Safe and unimpeded humanitarian access must be increased and sustained.

Spare me, you fatuous poltroons.

Israel is respecting international humanitarian law. Hamas is not, has not and never will. Israel does its level best to spare civilians. Hamas shoves them into the firing line. Israel warns civilians to evacuate impending areas of attack. Hamas shoots them if they try to flee. Israel allows the passage of humanitarian aid. Hamas steals it at gunpoint and beats aid workers if they try to stop them.

If these cretinous twits really cared about Palestinian civilians, they’d be cheering on Israel’s efforts to wipe Hamas from the face of the Earth.

The “civilian infrastructure” these prating clowns want to protect is Hamas infrastructure: hospitals used as military bases, schools used to site rocket launchers, ambulances used to transport Hamas fighters, UN compounds used to stockpile weapons and violently antisemitic propaganda. The destruction shown constantly in media is the destruction of terrorist infrastructure so it can never again be used for terrorism. While these braying asses bellow about buildings reduced to rubble, underneath that rubble is 500kms of terrorist tunnels.

And spare me the idiotic prattle about “Palestinian civilians”.

Palestinian civilians lined the streets to laugh and jeer and brutalise Israeli hostages. Palestinian civilians, including a doctor and a UNRWA worker, were holding hostages for Hamas. Palestinian civilians spat on the raped corpse of Shani Louk as she was paraded like a hunting trophy. Palestinian civilians followed Hamas terrorists into Israel to loot Israeli houses and corpses. Palestinian civilians working in Israel compiled maps for Hamas to plan their attack.

Not one Palestinian civilian – not one – lifted a finger to stop the massacre on 7 October. Not a single Palestinian civilian breathed a word of where hostages were being kept and tortured. Palestinian civilians turned over an escaped hostage right back to Hamas.

Let’s never, ever, again hear any bullshit hand-wringing for “Palestinian civilians”.

To put the vacuous virtue-signalling brainless of their inane witterings about ‘the suffering of civilians’ into perspective: tens of thousands of civilians have been killed in the Russia-Ukraine war. Has one, just one, of these ‘leaders’ ever uttered a peep about a ‘ceasefire’?

Just when you think the hypocrisy of these craven creeps couldn’t get any worse comes this nauseating piece of bullshit moral equivalence:

We condemn rising antisemitism, Islamophobia, and anti-Arab sentiment in our countries and around the world and remain firmly committed to combatting prejudice, hatred, and violent extremism.




“Islamophobia”? Where? Show me the crowds marching on the Opera House chanting “Gas the Muslims!” Show me the tens of thousands marching in city streets and demanding to “Clean the world of this rubbish”, with placards showing an Islamic crescent in a rubbish bin. Show me the Muslim houses daubed with yellow crescents. Show me the mosques being draped with Israeli flags or Muslim students hounded off university campuses.

Finally, to quote Ramesh Thakur, former Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations:

Those calling for a ceasefire must be forced to confront the logic of their call. It necessarily means accepting the 7 October attacks as a fait accompli, rewarding the brutal Hamas tactics of killing, kidnapping and sacrificing Israeli and Palestinian civilians, denying Israel the right to self-defence in practice while paying lip service to it in rhetoric, and encouraging repeats of the cycle not just by Hamas, but also by other terrorist groups mimicking the successful Hamas tactics and strategy.

Ramesh Thakur

How dare they. How dare they.
