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Jacindavale. Photoshopped image credit Wibble. The BFD.

You know you’re truly a Mott The Hoople fan when you think Brain Capers was their best album. Which I do. And it is. An obscure album which flopped spectacularly – it sold about 7 copies worldwide when first released in November 1971 – and yet became compulsory listening for several hundred thousand fanatical people in later years.

That an album with such songs such as “Death May Be Your Santa Claus” and “The Wheel Of The Quivering Meat Conception”, along with 9-minute anthems like “Journey”, and the slightly creepy “Sweet Angeline”, could still be “mainlined” half a century later by a quite astonishing number of people is quite an achievement.

Isn’t it funny how things turn out?

So if you’re wondering what the school mask mandate – whoops, I mean “strong recommendation” – is all about, pull up a chair and let your favourite Capitalist explain it to you. The socialists are trying to create a generation of slaves: obedient, frightened and unquestioning.

There is no more anything to worry about coronavirus-wise for school children than there is for the bubonic plague, but it is good business to pretend there is. Get the children scared of shadows, get them looking sideways at their friends, get them rushing for the embrace of a benevolent government, and get them thinking that the only thing protecting them from certain death is the socialist state.

This reasoning can then be applied to numerous other aspects of life – hoaxes about rising sea levels and global warming being a glaring example. All with the propaganda that on the one hand only Government can protect them, and on the other, you are a morally repugnant person if you don’t comply. Ardern and Co. don’t exactly want a generation of Colin Meadses or Barry Crumps who are strong, self-reliant, questioning and possess a finely tuned B/S radar.

It then becomes quite easy to move a couple of chess pieces on the board and, for example, suggest you get microchipped – to protect you and as proof you’re a morally virtuous person – then your child is no longer an actual human but a genuine slave. See what is going on here folks?

In the same way, certain ‘professional Maori’ con artists demand various city councils (Tauranga, for instance) bow down to them, and do so purely as a piss take – a genuine “will these sickly white liberals really degrade themselves in such a fashion?!?” curiosity. Jacinda Ardern will be roaring with laughter circa 2040 and feeling her life has been an enormous success when today’s school children slink along to the local Maori tribe and sign over the deeds to their house as ‘compensation’ for fake, imaginary injustices which never actually occurred. And do so ‘voluntarily’.

Oh, and they won’t be driving cars, or using various modern conveniences we take for granted today. School children today when they’re 30 will walk, starve, freeze, and do so out of a sense of ‘fairness’; after all, having been raised in comfortable middle-class households, isn’t it fair they should suffer to gain empathy with poor Maoris? (or some such twisted reasoning).

Once again folks: what’s happening in schools has nothing to do with illness, and everything to do with sowing seeds which are toxic. Only parents (ahem) who homeschool, and do so according to their own curriculum they’ve developed (ahem), will have children who grow up to be normal or sane. Your children will otherwise be sheep and guess what happens to sheep?
