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Parliament 9 Nov 2021 Photo credit The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

A ragtag parade of several thousand hit the capital yesterday, led by an intellectual wing, namely the nation’s greatest losers; maori gang motor-cyclists with their collective bravery in numbers to provide reassurance that they’re tough buggers. Tough buggers stand on their own feet and don’t rely on being part of a mob.

The PM said this protest and others elsewhere that day didn’t reflect the majority view. I’m not so sure.

She should be mindful of a splendid piece of writing by Verity Johnson in Stuff media the same day. Verity’s message to the PM, was the nation has now lost faith in her face-screwing, arm-waving assurances on so many things, none of which have come to pass, and everyone is utterly fed-up with the excessive despotism underlying this government’s actions. This is an age-old natural progression for left-wing governments, namely to grow increasingly arrogant and take ever more control over people’s lives.

The worst of course were the Soviet Union and Mao’s China but today, survey the wreckage of Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, North Korea et al, all of this “for the benefit of the people”. Obviously we’re not at those stages yet but telling South Islanders for example, that they must stay under their beds until Jacinda decides otherwise, notwithstanding the total absence of any need for such controls there, reflects a dictatorial mind-set that’s unacceptable in a western democracy. As I wrote two days ago; the bigger they are, the harder they fall and such is the seething anger everywhere, this government is history in the next election.

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