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A Disinclination to Do the Hard Yards

Image credit The BFD

This is a somewhat tricky article to write, as it is difficult not to appear rude or insulting; however, facts are facts. What I am writing about are the individuals who make up this Labour Government. You look at them and the first question that springs to mind is – how on earth did they get there? Surely, they weren’t the pick of the grapes on the electoral vine? Chardonnay socialists are the nearest you can get.

Claire Trevett writing in the Weekend Herald recently of Michael Wood’s misdemeanour in not divesting himself of his airport shares described the situation Wood got himself into as a tragi-comedy. She concluded the debacle has certainly damaged Wood and quite possibly Hipkins and the Labour Party. Let us hope so. Trevett says part of the problem is that Labour’s errant ministers weren’t dealt with properly under Ardern.

That is not a surprise. Someone who was sent home to learn how to wrap fish ’n chips properly is hardly likely to have the ability to run a caucus of 60-plus people, especially given that they mostly regard themselves as above the law. They don’t seem to have bothered to read the Cabinet Manual and probably don’t see the need to.

Contents of legislation introduced are often not fit for purpose and not in line with the thinking of the majority of voters. This is due to the fact they are drowning in their misplaced ideology and would prefer the population to also drown in it. Hence very little time is given for submissions and, even if thousands are received, as in the case of Three Waters, they are basically ignored.

This Government is a farce and it has turned Parliament into a farce too. In answering questions during Question Time, ministers’ ignorance abounds. Many questions are answered ineptly if at all and often ministers are clearly not on top of their portfolios. They show a disinclination to do the hard yards.

This public perception is what will be the undoing of this Government. One minister after another is getting into trouble through laziness and arrogance. They are coming across as a bunch of bullies who have trouble dealing with staff, are hell bent on pushing-through legislation which the public doesn’t want; they don’t know the rules… and couldn’t care less.

Claire Trevett, in her article, muses that Hipkins must be wondering what, or who, will blow up in his face next. Well, as we all know, it has already arrived in the form of Kiri Allan. It’s probably not unreasonable to ask again: who will be next? The BFD might like to run a poll purely for the entertainment value.


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