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Karen. Photoshopped image credit Dieuwe de Boer

This country has become captive to the whims of fear-driven fools. The latest Auckland lockdown is a case in point. Since ‘Jackboot’ Jacinda Ardern locked us up again, because of an “abundance of caution”, there have been precisely zero further cases of community spread.

Either this super tricky virus isn’t as virulent as they’ve told us or something else is going on. Perhaps they are getting these test results because we are still using 40 cycles in PCR testing despite the WHO telling us to use 25 cycles.

Mike Hosking nails it in his summary piece yesterday:

The Lockdown.


“Short of a surge today in cases, we can quite rightly ask whether this has been a fear driven cock-up from a trigger happy government advised by bewildered modellers who’s [sic] record seems to be reduced to saying over and over, “man, this is a tricky virus.”

The Narking.


“What a dreadful mistake from the Prime Minister.

And an awful week for the country as we yet again returned to that time-dishonoured practice of the original level four where everyone was a Karen.”


To make matters worse, the Government used the emergency alert system to scare the bejesus out of everyone, but set the deadline for the lockdown some nine hours later. Little wonder that many decided to bolt from the world’s largest prison.

Then, to cap off the utter retardedness of the special kids who are in charge, they used the same alert system to warn us of an approaching tsunami, only to use it again to tell us that it was all clear.

Talk about conditioning people to ignore their new toy.

But to get back to the lockdown. Why the hell are we still locked down?

There is no one in hospital, there is no one actually in dire need, and more importantly, despite this being the super-tricky and more contagious strain, no one seems able to catch it unless they try very very hard.

All the Government has succeeded in doing is to unleash a whole bunch of Karens and advance their goal of fostering a snitch culture.

We all need to say no. We need to say enough is enough.

The only way this virus can get into the community is because of failure at the border, but for some reason, the quislings in the New Zealand media, with the exception of Michael Morrah, Barry Soper, Heather du Plessis-Allan and Mike Hosking, are just letting this bunch of muppets ride roughshod over our freedoms.

Heather du Plessis-Allan skewered Chris Hipkins and then the next day skewered Peeni Henare as well.

It is high time other media started questioning the government a bit harder than just publishing puff pieces about when Neve did poos last, or how hard life is on a mere $480,000 a year with a nanny and a grandmother doing the hard yards entertaining a toddler.

Kiwis used to be tough and resilient but now it appears they are sufferers of advanced Stockholm syndrome and quiver in fear, like a dog shitting razor blades, over something where those of us under 65 have a 99.91% survival rate.

It is actually more dangerous to drive a car in New Zealand than catch what appears to be a very hard virus to catch. We aren’t stopping driving despite the mounting death toll, but we run and hide from a stupid virus.

Harden up, and stand up; otherwise, you will get scabs on your knees from all the crawling to politicians.

Live free, say no to any more lockdowns.

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