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A Fistful of Taxpayer Dollars More for EVs

government grants
The BFD. Electric car charging

Imagine if the Morrison government announced that it was spending a quarter of a billion dollars, to build exclusive service stations for luxury vehicle owners. The media and the left would go insane.

Yet, that is, effectively, what the government has just announced. If anything, the left is complaining that it’s not enough.

Scott Morrison’s electric vehicle strategy – a key plank of the government’s target for net-zero emissions by 2050 – will accelerate the rollout of charging and ­hydrogen refuelling stations across the country to support 1.7 million electric cars on the road by 2030 [… the government] will spend $250m building charging stations in cities and towns and supporting businesses and ­governments transition to electric fleets.

If electric and hydrogen vehicles were so fantastic, surely businesses and consumers would be flocking to them — so, why is the government endlessly subsidising the things?

Speaking of endlessly subsidising…

Mr Morrison said he believed Australians would embrace electric vehicles when they became “cost competitive”, leading to similar world-leading uptake rates as occurred with rooftop solar.

This is a ludicrous statement. Rooftop solar hasn’t become “cost competitive” — it’s been paid for by the taxpayer. Australia spends $2 billion a year subsidising middle-class boomers. Meanwhile, as in Britain, more and more poorer Australians are being driven into energy poverty, with skyrocketing household electricity prices.

Does anyone really think it’s going to pan out any different, with the latest climate rent-seeking scam?

Especially as the government spends more and more taxpayer money on climate scams while collecting ever-less revenue as a consequence.

Amid concerns inside the ­Nationals partyroom over accelerated electric vehicle take-up and the hit to fuel-excise revenue, the government is focusing investment in public electric vehicle charging and hydrogen refuelling infrastructure, heavy and long-distance vehicle fleets, light commercial fleets and household smart charging.

The Australian

The government is, (as it has with every other “renewable” energy scam), distorting the market and attracting flocks of rent-seekers with their hands out for taxpayer’s money — and doing little, in real terms, to lower pollution.

Besides the shocking pollution generated in the manufacture of lithium-ion batteries and solar panels, the electricity for those EVs and for making that hydrogen has to come from somewhere. Anyone who thinks that Australia is realistically going to find that electricity from “renewable” sources is kidding themselves.

Australia currently consumes 188.6 Tw/h of electricity annually. We consume the equivalent of 485 Tw/h in transport use. If Australia converts just 30% of its vehicle fleet to electricity by 2030, that means that we will somehow have to find an extra 160 Tw/h of electricity.

In other words, Australia will have to more than double its electricity production in less than a decade, just to keep where we are, now.

Does anyone really think this is achievable with “renewables”?

We are led by fools.

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