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Neo-Nazi David Copeland has converted to Islam in prison. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

“Islamonazi” is often a favoured pejorative, on the right especially, for jihadist Muslims. Anti-Islam activists argue that the violent intolerance of Muslim extremists is little different to that of the Nazis or Fascists. It’s not just supposedly “Islamophobic” righties, either: the late Christopher Hitchens was assaulted in Beirut after defacing the poster of an Islamic extremist group who’d incorporated the Nazi symbol into their logo.

It turns out that the wicked righties may be more right than they knew: Britain now has at least one literal Islamo-Nazi.

Neo-Nazi David Copeland has converted to Islam in prison. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.
A jailed far-right nail bomber who had said he wanted to start a “racial war” has allegedly converted to Islam in prison, reportedly asking to be called “Saddam” in admiration of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

David Copeland, 44, was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2000 and must serve at least 50 years for his 13-day nail-bombing campaign in 1999, during which in three separate attacks he targetted London’s Bangladeshi, black, and LGBT communities. In total, his devices injured 139 people, and his final bomb, planted at the Admiral Duncan gay bar, killed three people including a pregnant woman.

With the exception of the Muslim Bangladeshis, his hit list would probably go down pretty well with your average jihadi. Hell, the likes of ISIS regularly dub their fellow Muslims as kafirs and blow them up, anyway.

He also allegedly told other prisoners at Her Majesty’s Prison (HMP) Frankland that he wanted to be called “Saddam”.

“Copeland prays every day and sees practising as a Muslim as a way of getting forgiveness and changing. But he still has a twisted mind,” [Fellow former inmate Andy] Ross told the newspaper.

He’s learning his jihadin’ from the best (or worst).

He is now residing at the high-security Frankland prison in Durham, a jail home to other high-profile prisoners, including[…]Michael Adebolajo, who along with Michael Adebowale murdered and attempted to behead Fusilier Lee Rigby near Woolwich barracks in May 2014.

Just three years later, sources at Frankland claimed that Adebolajo had groomed other inmates who then converted to Islam and were radicalised under the terrorist’s influence, some swearing allegiance to Islamic State and pledging to commit attacks upon release.

Besides the sad fact that some people will glom onto any ideology that justifies their bent for violence, this case also highlights that, far from rehabilitating jihadis, jails are too often serving as Petri dishes for violent Islam.

A Ministry of Justice 2019 report revealed that Muslim prison gangs were forcibly converting non-Muslim inmates under the threat of violence. A Christian chaplain claimed the year before that some convert for protection.

While a 2015 Prison Officer’s Association report claimed non-Muslim inmates were being forced to pay a “protection” tax, or “jizya”, if they did not convert.

However, prison officers have claimed some inmates have become “convenience Muslims to play the system”, including to gain access to better food.

Which raises the question: why are Muslims being treated better than other prisoners?

Despite knowing full well that their prisons are being used as jihad recruitment centres, British authorities are doing bugger all about it.

Despite three ‘jihadi jails’ opening in recent years, only one — Frankland — remains open, meaning that just three per cent of Islamist extremists have been isolated to stop them influencing or threatening other prisoners.


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