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Photoshopped image credit The BFD.

Finally, their jaws dropping at the audacity and the outright intentional bias conservatives have complained of for years, comes a goose-step so far to the left the International Fact-Check Network refuses to follow it, or swallow it:

“It seems like Facebook and Twitter have decided to assume the position they’ve been avoiding for so long. Less than a month from Election Day, both companies finally became arbiters of the truth on the internet. Naive are those who believe this isn’t dangerous.”
“In trying to explain their decisions, both companies’ responses left the public with more questions than answers. Facebook said it had always had this policy against doubtful content and that it was just applying it once more. The fact-checking community, however, wasn’t aware of it until today – which is a bit strange, considering they work together to tackle misinformation.
Twitter, on the other hand, told Motherboard it doesn’t allow hacked content to spread on its feed. But some fact-checkers laughed at this assertion recalling previous episodes involving Wikileaks and the National Security Agency.”

The farce summed up with a scorching sarcastic burn from Rasmussen, borrowing from Winston Smith at the Ministry of Truth:

“Transparency is essential to the fact-checking community and to the cause of reducing mis and disinformation. The decision to reduce or prevent the distribution of the New York Post’s article based on some mysterious, non-transparent criteria and an unknown methodology is a serious mistake. It is a step that brings these companies closer to the slippery slope of censorship.”

Meanwhile, back on the farm, Stuff, our bastion of unimpeded journalism and truth-seeking, is of course supportive of the left-techies’ jackboot move, something they’ve actually campaigned in favour of:


Lie down with the dogs, Stuff, and you’ll wake up with fleas. Don’t say you weren’t warned.

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