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drowning hand sea water single hand of drowning man in sea asking for help

I do not want to be an ambulance chaser like the MSM so I am not going to write about the latest government-related suicide except in general terms. I am feeling so very angry right now and there are tears in my eyes as I type for this man’s young family left behind to pick up the pieces.

I can put myself in this man’s shoes because I have personally experienced many of the things that would have hit him with the force of a hurricane when the government, like a hanging judge pronouncing sentence, made the decision that his business would be not one of the chosen few allowed to live.

In a matter of weeks, he saw his successful business destroyed while a business only next door to his was allowed to continue.

His is not a COVID related death, his suicide is a government-related death. There may have been other issues at play but Ardern’s so-called government of kindness has pulled the rug out from under businesses literally overnight and has shown them no mercy.

Ardern herself not so long ago publicly said that “some businesses are not going to make it.” That was not a comment unrelated to her government’s actions; it was a comment about the government deciding which businesses would live and which would die.

Due to the extreme stress that she has put business owners under she may as well have said that some business owners are not going to make it. For a government that claims to care so much about mental health, the Ardern government’s actions have rapidly pushed many people to the brink. Her government’s continued restrictions are preventing people from taking control and are taking away any hope they had of rebuilding what her government caused them to lose.

I predict that the suicides that are already happening in the shadow of the lockdown are going to exceed the actual COVID-related deaths tenfold if they haven’t already. I highly doubt that the MSM, compromised as they are by Ardern’s bailout, are going to keep us fully informed as to the extent of the carnage.

The government, after all, singled the media out for special treatment. Not only did they allow them to operate throughout the lockdown, they also handed them 50 million dollars to replace lost advertising revenue. No other business, not even those allowed to open, has been given money to replace lost revenue. Only the media were singled out for that privilege. We can only speculate as to why they were valued above other industries that employ more people and produce goods of value to our economy.

I hold Ardern and her government 100% responsible for every suicide related to the decisions of her government. Her government is cruel, not kind, and no matter what spin her bought and paid for ‘Ministry of Truth’ prints, we know the truth.

Jacinda Ardern has blood on her hands.

The BFD. Cartoon credit BoomSlang

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