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A Guide on What to Do about the TVNZ Poll Item

Chris Chapel

Hi folks. I have made this guide for anyone wanting to complain about the 1News Verian Poll item of April 29. Deadline for complaints to TVNZ is 20 working days from April 29. TVNZ deserve thousands of complaints for the shameless lies and propaganda presented as news.

Here are the links to make a complaint, first to TVNZ then later with the Broadcasting Standards Authority after TVNZ rejects all your arguments.

Here is the One News item with a YouTube transcript (I have listed the best quotes below). Time references will not match the original so you are advised to give general references such as ‘near the beginning/end’.

The Broadcasting Standards codebook is here. Print out standards 5, 6 and 8 – balance, accuracy and fairness.

I found plenty of breaches of the accuracy and fairness standards. Just list a few under each standard with quotes from the transcript and send them through the TVNZ website. The TVNZ online filing system is clumsy for posting and editing. I found it best to edit a Word document and paste it in, then check formatting. In your complaint, you need a link to the on-demand One News item, not the YouTube version. The correct link:

NOTE: I had difficulty getting through the Captcha stage and had to use a Mac to send it:

The most outrageous quotes from One News Verian Poll item, 6pm April 29:
(The big standout fraud IMHO is they presented a snapshot poll as decisive with the real election still about three years away! Plus this is a news item, not an opinion piece, yeah right…)

Maiki Sherman:

1. “Here comes the turbulence. ACT is continuing its free fall, now on seven per cent, down for our fourth poll in a row and, bang, NZ First is down and out on four. Winston Peters would not be in parliament in what could be Mayday for the Coalition.’’

(ACT got 8.6 per cent of votes in the 2023 general election, so a fall to seven per cent, even in the real world, could not be rightly described as free fall. )

2. “Winston Peters is plummeting with his party down to four per cent, so there it is: a nightmare poll for the coalition Government, which has been in power for just five months.’’

3. In the go-kart scene, Maiki says: “Just five months in the driver’s seat, National is hitting speed bumps, NZ First is booted from parliament and the ACT Party continues to take a licking.’’

4. Speaking with Simon Dallow, Sherman says: “This poll will absolutely rock the entire parliament. You will have MPs from political parties across the spectrum sending ‘OMG What’s up?’ messages to their caucus group chats right this very minute and the reason is that this is largely unprecedented – to have a new coalition Government just five months into power polled out of power is almost unheard of.’’
