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A Joint Christian Statement

In response to the events of 7 October 2023

Lead Signatories:
Hon Alfred Ngaro, Dr Stephen May, Dr Sheree Trotter, Dr Margaret Canter, Olivier Melnick, Dr Ate Moala, Bryce Turner, Ps Nigel Woodley, Rev Dr Mele’ana Puloka

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• We acknowledge that we are deeply indebted to the Jewish people for all that we hold dear as Christians. From the Scriptures, to cherished civilizational values, to the one we hold to be the promised Messiah – all of these came through the Jewish people.

• We recognise God’s covenant commitment to the nation Israel to be irrevocable.

• We recognise that most European Christians failed abjectly during the Holocaust, choosing to cooperate with forces of evil or to simply remain silent, thus becoming complicit. Along with many Jewish observers we recognise parallels between certain events of the 1930s and 40s and those of the present period, and we are deeply disturbed both by the 7 October atrocities and by the subsequent global surge in antisemitism. We will not remain silent.

• We are neither deaf nor blind to the suffering of innocent Palestinians and our desire is that they ultimately flourish and prosper. We recognise, however, that freedom from the control and influence of their genocidal masters is essential if the Palestinian people are to truly prosper.

• We consider repugnant all attempts to justify or excuse the events of 7 October, or to imply moral equivalence between Hamas atrocities and Israel’s actions.

• Israel’s actions must be subject to the same scrutiny as those of other nations. However, when Israel’s critics engage in delegitimization, overt double standards and ongoing misrepresentation, we recognise this to be antisemitism.

• We urge Christians and all those of goodwill to stand with the Jewish people at this critical juncture and to actively oppose antisemitism in all its forms.

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