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A Leftie Gets a ‘Wake up Call’ on Climate Change

A Michael Moore-backed documentary Planet of the Humans that investigates Alternative Energy makes the startling point that the green energy movement has proven to be counter-productive.

Director Jeff Gibbs explains that the green energy movement is “a giant profit center” for environmental groups and for corporations, including those that are involved in mining.

“The people that produce our fossil fuels love [the green movement] because it still uses fossil fuels and it’s not a threat to fossil fuels. All the car companies love the electric car.”

The low-budget documentary looks at the false promises of the environmental movement and why we’re still “addicted” to fossil fuels.
Director Jeff Gibbs takes on electric cars, solar panels, windmills, biomass, biofuel, leading environmentalist groups like the Sierra Club, and even figures from Al Gore and Van Jones, who served as Barack Obama’s special adviser for green jobs, to leader Bill McKibben, a leading environmentalist and advocate for grassroots climate change movements.
Gibbs […] and Moore said they were shocked to find how inextricably entangled alternative energy is with coal and natural gas, since they say everything from wind turbines to electric car charging stations are tethered to the grid […]
[…] “It’s up to people who actually share the same values to sometimes call each other out and bring out the uncomfortable truths,” Gibbs said. “This is not a film by climate change deniers, this is a film by people who really care about the environment.”

Gibbs argues that green energy is not only not going to save us but it is actually going to kill us faster.

“The parts of the Green New Deal that have to do with social justice and equality are fantastic […] [But] the Green New Deal, to the extent it’s proposing that green energy is going to save us – it’s not going to save us, it’s actually going to kill us faster.“

He reveals all the problems with so-called green energy one by one.

  • Wind energy requires fossil fuels and rare earth metals
  • Electric cars rely on fossil fuels, and their batteries have a negative impact on the environment
  • Solar power requires quartz to be mined, and the process to create solar panels requires giant furnaces heated by natural gas and coal.
  • Biomass (harvesting trees to burn as fuel): Their power plants are built using fossil fuels and with materials that contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, like concrete
  • All the above alternative “green” energy sources have NOT led to a reduction in the consumption of fossil fuels.

Gibbs believes that there is going to be a human apocalypse if something isn’t done to fix climate change.

The wake-up call revealed in his documentary is that what he thought was going to save the planet won’t. He admits that his documentary has no answers but he hopes that it will lead to people asking better questions.

The one question he should be asking is why on earth does he believe that we are heading for a human apocalypse? As I pointed out yesterday in the post 18  Breathtakingly Wrong Environmental Predictions, on Earth Day back in 1970 many apocalyptic predictions were made for our planet and 18 of them were spectacularly 100% wrong.
