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Family Doing Grocery Shopping
Photo by Gustavo Fring. The BFD.

From a NZ Facebook Group

Yesterday I went to a shop (no mask) to buy a few things for my camper build. I was immediately harassed by staff.

“Do you have a mask exemption?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Am I allowed to see it?”

“No,” and then I walked away.

“Can I ask why not?”

“Because it is against the law for you to demand to see it,” (and I continued walking away)

“Well, I did ask nicely!” (And here I’m thinking, so you weren’t asking, you were demanding…and now being rude, trying to humiliate and gaslighting while you oppress my rights.)

She starts tailing me around the store while trying to get the attention of the other staff members. “We have the right to ask you to leave the store.”

“Well actually, you don’t. So….” (continue to browse the isles like water off a duck’s back. She didn’t actually ask me to leave, so I ignore it)

A manager now tails me, asking me for my mask exemption.

“Yes I have an exemption,” and I walk away.

“You know, we are just following the rules sir!”

“Oh, you are? You might want to read what the rules actually say if you plan on enforcing them. It is ILLEGAL for you to demand to see my exemption. You are breaking the law. Go read the rules. Look at all of you! You all drop everything you are doing so that you can harass a customer who is just trying to live a normal life. You see a sliver of strength and you HAVE to KILL it, immediately. Why? You don’t know. You just do. You have all lost your minds!”

Seeing the staff members dumbfounded, a customer decides to interfere and starts harassing me:

“My nephew is immune comprised you inconsiderate asshole! He’s going to die from Covid now because YOU won’t wear a mask!”

I completely ignore the customer, which makes her irate. She huffs and puffs while following me around. Genius strategy by the way lol. Follow me around to increase her chances of getting Covid. I mean, first, she assumes that I’m lying about having an exemption, then she assumes that if I was wearing a mask it would have saved the day, then she assumes that I have Covid, then she assumes that she will catch it from me, then she assumes that she will infect her nephew, then she assumes that he will die. I mean, that’s a LOT of leaps to make. These people are insane. They really are!

The manager comes near me and pretends to order the staff member to call the police. And the Oscar goes to…. Firstly, nobody ordered me to leave the store, they only threatened that they could, not that I would even if they did. Secondly, I know that police do not respond to calls like this, because they are an idiotic waste of police resources. Thirdly, IF police did somehow turn up quickly enough to run into me, I would just tell them that I have an exemption. I don’t even have to show the police, there’s no legislation saying I have to. If they want to contact the government and check, they can try. But I know that the government won’t even tell them.

Here I am, being normal. Not rude or aggressive to anyone, just living my life. And they can’t STAND it. They lose all rationality and logic. They are motivated entirely by FEAR.

They behave like a cult going out on a witch hunt. Now the cowards amongst you might say “why did you not just do as you were told, you gave yourself and them a bad day”. I have something called a backbone. When someone discriminates or segregates, I put my foot down and say NO!

You cannot comply your way out of tyranny. You must fight back. Hopefully, the majority of people in this group have courage and strength. If however you are weak and paralysed by fear, you are a disgrace to humanity. Your ancestors fought in wars to protect your freedoms, and they would be rolling around in their graves if they saw how pathetic you have become, and how easily you gave away the freedom they fought so hard to give you. It’s bad enough that you don’t stand up for what is right, but you are so weak that you join in the attack on those who DO stand up. Furthermore, you are taking away the rights of your descendants. Imagine your grandkids growing up and saying “we are slaves now because grandpa was a weak, cowardly pathetic man” maybe they will write that on your tombstone!

You may know of the Monkey Ladder Experiment. On that day, I was the new monkey, and the staff members and customer were the monkeys who had never climbed the ladder. But we can also flip the script. Mask or vax, it doesn’t matter. This dystopian nightmare only ends when you grow a pair of balls and tell these wankers to F off. Until then, you deserve everything you get. You didn’t stand up for your rights, so don’t bitch that you don’t have any.

I went to Bunnings, and several people saw me not wearing a mask. They asked me if anything was said at the entrance, and I said no. They asked if staff ever ask, and I said no. So they removed their masks…


State of the Nation 2025

State of the Nation 2025

That government agencies are effectively thumbing their noses at official directives and getting away with it without consequences is totally unacceptable. Until the coalition confronts and defeats this ‘enemy within’, their own policy platform remains largely ineffective.

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