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“Don’t worry, Dan – our socialist utopia will work NEXT time!” The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

How much longer will Victorians continue to #StandWithDan?

In what can only be regarded as a mass-outbreak of Stockholm Syndrome, Victorians responded to being placed under virtual house-arrest, due entirely to the astonishing ineptitude of the Andrews government, by loudly cheering for the corrupt clowns who locked them up – and caused the deaths of 800 into the bargain. “I reckon Dan’s doing a good job!” Cucktorians (as I despairingly dub the inhabitants of my home state) have been wont to chant, with all the dutiful fervor of a Maoist Party rally.

But will the latest lockdown finally sap even the fervour of the Danistan loyalists?

Daniel Andrews says he can’t yet confirm Melbourne’s snap five-day lockdown with lift on Wednesday as Victorian authorities race to trace the Holiday Inn cluster.

“I know every Victorian on Monday morning wants to know whether this is going to finish on Wednesday night,’’ the Victorian Premier told reporters today. “I’m not in a position to be able to confirm that.”

It should be noted that the latest case being used to justify the panic isn’t actually a confirmed case at all.

A woman, who is asymptomatic and has not yet tested positive, is being treated as if does have the virus.

This latest lockdown just happens to come at the very time that Andrews is trying to ram through laws that will extend Victoria’s state of emergency, granting he and his bureaucrats complete and unaccountable power. No doubt this lockdown will go for as long as it’s politically useful.

Which may not be that long after all. Certainly not if even the left-media are finally starting to turn on their Dear Leader.

The host of ABC’s flagship current affairs show has made a surprise appearance at Victorian Premier Dan Andrews press conference, grilling him about the state’s five-day lockdown.

Sydney-based journalist Leigh Sales asked multiple questions at the media event, accusing the premier of lacking confidence in the state’s hotel quarantine system.

“How is it the case the government still lacks such confidence in the hotel quarantine systems that you currently can’t manage two cases?” Sales asked.

Sales was far from finished with Chairman Dan, though.

“Lockdown imposes a real cost and Victorians have already paid a big price for lockdown. Cases are actually very well traced, so why the lockdown?” Sales asked[…]

Mr Andrews was also quizzed on whether the state would plunge into lockdown every time there were a small number of cases.

The Australian

New Zealand’s supine media might want to sit up and take notice. When even the taxpayer-funded leftist propaganda unit national broadcaster is starting to challenge the COVID dictators, their ongoing fawning over their COVID Queen is beginning to look more than a little embarrassing, even for the legacy media.

After all, the ABC gets a billion dollars of taxpayer money and still manages to ask the occasional awkward question.

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