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Photo by pawel szvmanski


As a former primary and preschool teacher, one might not be surprised to hear countless stories related to the job in which a busily bustling classroom alive and kicking with youthful buoyancy sometimes led to tears. Although many of these instances were usually fixed with a brisk dab of a wet cloth and pulled-apart plaster, one might still be able to imagine the initial shock and terror that often accompanies an instant bout of pain, especially in the often-ambivalent amphitheatre of the three to five-year-old realm.

Indeed, having been present on a variety of occasions when the inevitable accident happens and a steady stream of blood from an open wound spurts forth from a loose limb or frightened face, one can be struck by how much of a frantic effect such seemingly minor events can sometimes have on the teaching staff themselves, let alone upon the frazzled figure of a tepid toddler.

As a result, here, in New Zealand, the latest ‘safety data’ released by Medsafe — the country’s medicines and medical devices safety authority — is, to former teachers like me, revolting reading.

For whilst much of the nation continues to argue whether or not the right to free protest should still be allowed to exist at a time when the past two-years of government coercion and blackmail clearly suggests it should, the specifics surrounding the ‘adverse effects’ suffered by the nation’s youngest since the vaccine was made available to them last month, crept a little more under the radar.

To date, 51,932 ‘adverse events following immunisation’ (AEFI) reports have been filed across all age groups since the vaccine rollout began in March 2021.

Of those events, Medsafe state, only 2,460 were deemed as ‘serious’.

A note written underneath these initial statistics, very blatantly highlighted in bold lettering, reads,

The protective benefits of vaccination against COVID-19 far outweigh the potential risks of vaccination.

Well, let’s look into that.

It is important to remember at this stage that there is almost an entirely negligible risk of “serious” harm or death via Covid infection in relation to children, and that has remained a very consistent fact since the beginning of the pandemic despite the news media’s ongoing attempts to fear-monger every type of new and mutated ‘variant’.

The risks are, however, increased for any child (or any-one) that does, sadly, live with any comorbidities such as obesity or diabetes, or if they are immunocompromised, but again, this is wholly consistent with research trends discovered at the very beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, regardless of Greek alphabet namesakes. In these cases, vaccination could provide some benefit.

But for the vast majority of healthy children, recent data from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children’s Hospital Association suggests, for example, that although spikes in case rates and hospital admissions in children have been noticeable since the detection of Omicron, severity tends to remain mild, and among evidence collected from 46 of 50 U.S. states, children accounted for 0.00%-0.23% of all COVID-19 deaths, and just 0.00%-0.01% of all child COVID-19 cases resulting in death up until 10 February 2022.

Such low statistics shouldn’t, perhaps, be too surprising when one considers the below question (and answer) from U.K. Conservative Party MP, Steve Baker, last July when the more ‘deadly’ Delta variant was prevalent.

Lest we forget, a 0.096% infection mortality rate (IFR) was the average for all ages of the population, not just children. In its current form, Covid has, in fact, recently been labelled “a common cold” by Dr Bryan Betty, the medical director of Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners.

One really does have to wonder, then, why on earth are children being vaccinated in very large numbers (221,462 first doses or 46% of all 5-11-year-olds, here in New Zealand) against a virus that offers them, quite literally, zero risk? Why are apparently-programmable parents gleefully packing their offspring into cars on day trips out, not to the seaside, but to stand in line under summer sun heat to take a medical cocktail that even the manufacturers admit on their own vaccine fact sheet has no safety or efficacy data for children? Dare I mention Munchausen syndrome by proxy?

Vaccine percentages aren’t just a numbers game to be played like a political football between nation states as a measure of policy success. There’s a lot more to it.

Currently, there have been 147 all-age deaths (including seven 10-29-year-olds) reported to the Centre for Adverse Reactions Monitoring (CARM), after the administration of the Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccine.

Of those, Medsafe very conveniently say, 60 of these deaths are ‘unlikely related’ to the COVID-19 vaccine; 64 deaths ‘could not be assessed’ due to insufficient information; 21 cases are ‘still under investigation’, and 2 have been confirmed to be ‘likely’ deaths due to vaccine-induced myocarditis (an inflammation of the heart, which can lead to heart failure).

Myocarditis was, in fact, singled out by Medsafe in an ‘Alert communication’ as a ‘rare adverse reaction’ as early as 21 July 2021, which suggests it wasn’t that rare considering the initial vaccine distribution programme in New Zealand, specifically, was only four months young.

Honestly, who had ever heard of myocarditis pre-2020?

But delve a little deeper into the details of the adverse effects database, and one may well weep, especially having established the seemingly non-existent ‘reward’ of childhood inoculation comparative to Covid’s all-round peril.

It is here that any number of side effects and ailments can be found in the 0-9 and 10-19 age brackets following injection.

In all, over the past one month of childhood vaccination, approximately 94 “non-serious” reactions were reported in boys and girls, many with multiple reactions simultaneously. In 216 males, 218 females and 3 others whose gender was not recorded, 1,135 ‘adverse events’ were determined.

Whilst all these reactions are classified as ‘minor’ by Medsafe (scroll down to find more serious ones for all ages found here), it is essential to put them in the context of childhood ‘trauma’, not just physiologically, but psychologically. This is an age group, after all, that suffers vastly more than adults wherever and whenever the odd scrape and scratch may come. I know because I have seen it.

A spurt of mere blood, for instance, is no teddy bears’ picnic to the average five-year-old.

How then, should we, as the adults, parents, and guardians, navigate the tragically unnecessary suffering of vaccine-induced anaphylaxis, anxiety, Bell’s Palsy, blistering, blurred vision, fainting, myocarditis, lung clots, seizure, skin rash, swelling, vomiting, and even diabetes, which have all been catalogued just this past month?

Are we really supposed to believe this is a price worth paying? That pumping our most innocent full of Big Pharma liquid gold must be the only way to protect them? A necessary cost in service to the lie that always was everlasting vaccination on behalf of some egregiously media-manipulated ‘greater good’? What, by the way, ever happened to ‘protecting our most vulnerable’?

No. This isn’t protection. This is pro-active injury.

Be warned, Great Britain, and leave the kids alone.

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