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The BFD. Photo supplied. Nathan
I would love for the world to hear my story. I strongly believe everyone deserves to be heard, no matter what your capabilities are. I hope to spread awareness about disabilities because nowadays we sometimes pay attention to the things that do not help people to grow and do not have a substantial impact on people’s lives. That motivates me to get my raps published.


In July 2022, the Labour Government launched a new ministry:

“Aotearoa New Zealand’s first Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled People.

[…] It comes as Health New Zealand and the Maori Health Authority also officially take effect from today, in what is a significant moment for our country as we stand up a fully national health service.

[…] Today marks a new chapter for approximately 1.1 million disabled people in Aotearoa New Zealand and is a significant step toward realising true partnership between Government and disabled people, tangata whaikaha, their whanau, carers and supporters. Minister for Social Development Carmel Sepuloni and Minister for Disability Issues Poto Williams announced today.
Nathan. The BFD. Photo supplied.

I would love to introduce you all to Nathan, my new friend.  He would like me to help get his story out there.  I know you will enjoy ‘meeting’ him through the BFD but it’s a challenge and takes a great effort on his part.

I asked questions by email to get to know him better. He knew about the BFD website and loved reading a review I previously sent him of Blackout, Candace Owens’s latest book.

This is how Nathan writes to me. He looks at the letter he wants and holds his gaze on it until the chosen letter comes up on his screen. He looks at the next letter he wants, holds his gaze, and then it flicks onto his screen. Then he looks at the next letter, holds his gaze, and then it flicks up onto the screen. He then looks at the space, holds his gaze and a space is made between words. Writing his story so that I could turn it into an article for the BFD took incredible effort and patience from Nathan.

If a mistake is made, he has to look at delete, hold his gaze and start afresh. He almost gave up at one point as it was too exhausting and hard.

Nathan was born with severe disabilities. Unable to speak or communicate and unable to physically do anything for himself was unbelievably hard.

When I was six; I had an operation on both of my hips to put steel balls into them, because they were twisting.


He was reliant on others for all his needs. Sadly, they weren’t met. He says he was always hungry and thirsty but had no way to tell anyone about this distressing situation. It was a long dark road.  All through his childhood and early teenage years he was verbally, financially, mentally and physically abused. He was tiny, left out, isolated and neglected.

He was 16 when an observant therapist realised Nathan was not only intelligent but also a willing learner. His therapist saw past the disabilities, giving him hope for the first time. He can now express himself using his creative writing skills by utilising his Gaze Tracker screen.

He loves music. He writes many Rap pieces. He now has a way to show his inner feelings. Nathan has an electric wheelchair that he operates with his head movements.  He tells me he has had some very real disappointments and dark days, but overall he is positive and friendly. His communication through his screen shows his concern and care for others. “Is my music too loud for you?” he asked one day, for example.

Nathan’s communication device is a normal PC with the Tobii Eye Gaze Tracker software built into it. Smartbox and TalkLink are who he goes to if he has any issues with his device.

It is impossible to imagine how long it takes to write a Rap or a single paragraph, but he loves communicating and getting responses. Here he expresses his excitement in finding a music producer who will put his lyrics to music.

So I’ve been in contact with a music producer and he is willing to help me with putting my raps to music. I just want to show the world that people with disabilities are so intelligent and creative! Because we all are!

I always talk to God a lot, but more intensely in the last week. Because I would absolutely love to change the world view on disabilities. I believe I have the right gift to do that.

I’ll stay determined until every person who has a disability has the opportunity to be heard. I would absolutely love to touch as many hearts as I can in this world.

I got in touch with a music producer last week and he would like to work with me. I’ve been going to many different events around Papamoa to touch people’s hearts.


Here is a Rap that he wrote for his church this year, that was read out by the minister.

This is a lovely church with funny services. But the sermons are humbling verses... This loving club is perfect. You guys are determined to stay working on a brighter life in the Messiah's eyes, your troubling burdens will be deserted on this church trip. It'll make you deserving if you're uncertain about your purpose. There are godly servants on this lovely surface. God is going to stand with Golden Sands for its growing plans. Knowing that will make you into a holy man with showing swag.. If you're on an emotional track, this church gladly has the right potion pack of leaving all things in God's glowing hands! God is blessing me by letting me meet everyone here. Thanks so much for accepting me, and not rejecting me. Coming here beats every one fear when I feel empty.. God's blessings

Nathan strongly believes in inclusiveness and acceptance.

Everyone has the right to be loved, no matter what the colour of their skin is, or what their beliefs are. I always give people the chance to bond with me and hope we could form an unbreakable friendship. I am extremely caring, I absolutely love giving people a lending hand

His final message is that we must have open hearts towards people with disabilities because the majority of people with disabilities will accept us.

So if you see anyone with a disability out in public just go up and start talking with them. Please don’t hesitate.


Nathan’s favourite RAP is Mockingbird by Eminem.
