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Jacinda Ardern

Crikey; what a masterpiece in the delivery of mendacity was Jacinda Ardern AKA Hardernurly’s outpouring to the pleb’s on Sunday past:

“there’s never been any inconsistency from this podium.”

That’s hilarious, but it was only the set-up for the real howler:

“Never, ever have we made a political decision in the management of COVID-19.”

So: she’s never heard of the “COVID Election” then? Good grief, what does she take us for? But, honestly, the press conference was a doozy – so good it should have been set to music: the Sex Pistols ‘Pretty Vacant’ the perfect accompaniment, and saying about as much:


"There's no point in asking, you'll get no reply..."

Media: Why not prepare the sort of legal framework for mandating masks more widely so that when there is another outbreak—
PM: Oh, and I haven’t ruled out that that work isn’t taking place. So I’ve made clear that we haven’t ruled it out, and therefore what I can’t tell you is whether or not Crown Law of their own volition have started. But we frequently work behind the scenes around potential orders, so more than likely something probably is already under way. I haven’t explicitly seen the advice on it yet, though.

[Translation] We fully intend to make mask-wearing mandatory amongst the commoners whenever outside their hovels, but we’ve recently been made to look very stupid in the courts, so we’re trying to get the legals right before acting.

It got better, if can you believe it, because next the (Drama) Queen nearly brought the house down, in the process earning her sergeant-stripes, with ridiculous hyperbole not previously heard outside pantomime performance, let alone in the political theatre, scripted to convince us all she saw nothing, and knew nothing, nothing at all, of ‘that’ message, the message she was merely ‘told’ of:

"Just remember I don't decide, I got no reason, it's all too much"

“Well, I can tell you for me it’s caused me to be incredibly angry”.

But what, what, what caused her to become “incredibly” angry? What was all too much?

“when someone has written an Instagram ad, there has been [a mistake], and we’re working very hard to correct that.”

Seriously? An ‘Instagram ad’ written by “someone” caused her to “become incredibly angry”? Please adjust your tin-foil hats, my fellow right-wing nut-jobs, and try to concentrate, as we explore the veracity of the PM’s statement to all of New Zealand. I ask you; which of the following is much more likely? Is the exhibit below:


a) Official advice issued by New Zealand’s Ministry of Health, an office of elevated importance during these troubled times, possibly the most troubled of the last 75 years, or health-wise for a century. Advice requiring authorised communications and statements to be agreed upon by senior staff after expert input, some initial drafts, the important parts of the message condensed, then highlighted in bold, more drafts until approved by everybody, then sign-off’s at the highest level after consultation, possibly, with even higher office?


b) An Instagram ad –

“Again, I suspect what’s happened in that case—and I haven’t verified that that has happened. That would be an administrator, because that my understanding is that Health did not sign off on some of that advice, which is clearly not the process we should be adhering to. Again, everything you’ve heard from this podium consistently has said the same thing. Someone who, unfortunately, has been working on the comms hasn’t adhered to what is being said here.”

That’s just crazy nonsense,

"You'll always find us out to lunch".

Congratulations, if you answered ‘b)’. It’s obviously an Instagram ad, as claimed by the prime minister, who has never lied. As your prize, you get to sing along, 2, 3, 4…

'Oh, we're so pretty
Oh, so pretty
We're va...cant
Oh, we're so pretty
Oh, so pretty
Oh, so,…Va...cant'
