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A Mountain of Evidence of Voter Fraud

voter fraud election USA America steal Democrats Biden

Here is a long list of evidence of voter fraud which is by no means complete. It is evidence that our biased legacy media is hiding from the public.

Poll Watchers in Wayne County File Lawsuit Alleging Detroit Officials Knowingly Committed Mass Voter Fraud

Detroit City Elections Employee: Workers Coached Voters for Joe Biden, Changed Dates on Ballots…

A pile of ballots are found in trash at closed polling station. All of them had votes for Trump, except for one.…

Video of vote worker explaining how he separates ballots and when he comes across one for Trump, he tears it up.…

“This Felt Like a Drug Deal!” – Asian-American Ballot Observer in Detroit Describes Mysterious Van Dropping Off 61 Boxes of Ballots at 4 AM (VIDEO)
This poll observer worked from 10:00pm to 5:00am and saw 6,000 absentee ballots counted. They stopped counting before she left. After she left, they counted 100,000 ballots at 6:00am, eliminating Trump’s lead.

Spoiled Bucks County Ballots Found in Trash; Top County Election Official: ‘The Judge of Elections Didn’t Do It Correctly;’ Pennsylvania Law: Hold Spoiled Ballots for 22 Months

Self-Described Dem Party Worker, Detroit Resident, Brags On Facebook: “I work for Wayne Co, MI and I threw out every Trump ballot I saw. Tens of thousands of them and so did all of my co-workers”

They found out in one county that Dominion ballot counting systems flipped 6,000 votes for Trump to Biden. Nancy Pelosi’s Chief of Staff Is An Executive and Feinstein’s Husband a Major Shareholder at Dominion Ballot Counting Systems

Investigators Dispatched After Fulton County Discovers ‘Issue’ with Ballot Reporting…

Affidavits: Detroit Ballot Tabulators Entered Names of Non-Voters During Count…

Nevada Whistleblower Says He Witnessed Processing of Illegitimate Votes…

Philadelphia GOP Alleges Dead People Voted in Pennsylvania…
At least 840 dead people voted.

Report: Wisconsin Election Clerks May Have Illegally Altered Thousands of Ballots…

Philadelphia GOP Poll Watcher: Election ‘Not Fair at All’; ‘We Were Kept Away from Everything’…

Patty from 100% Fed Up Talks About Her Shocking Experience As a Poll Watcher at Detroit’s TCF Center On Wednesday following the Election
Patty, a poll-challenger for 9 years said: “Don’t believe the media and social media. There is voter fraud and is always organized by Democrats”. She described egregious and rampant voter fraud, including workers entering 1900 as birthdate for voters, ballots with non-registered voters, locking GOP poll-challengers out, hiding voter rolls, hiding signatures, 3 out-of-state cars dropped off ballots in the middle of the night.

Software that ‘Glitched’ in MI, GA, Incorrectly Gave Biden 1000s of Votes, Used in 28 States…

Corrupted Software Used in Michigan County that Stole 6,000 Votes from Trump — Is Also Used in ALL SWING STATES — PA, GA, NV, MI, WI, AZ, MN!

Nevada GOP Sends Criminal Referral to Justice Department About ‘Instances of Voter Fraud’…
“Thousands of individuals have been identified who appear to have violated the law by casting ballots after they moved from NV.”

Confessions of a voter fraud: I was a master at fixing mail-in ballots…
“A top Democratic operative says voter fraud, especially with mail-in ballots, is no myth. And he knows this because he’s been doing it, on a grand scale, for decades.”

GOP Poll Watcher Alleges Fraud at Detroit Ballot-Counting Center…

WATCH: Ballot Count Watcher Describes At Least 130,000 Ballots ALL FOR BIDEN Arriving in Three Vehicles in Detroit in Dead of Night
“It’s about major fraud on a major scale… that was very well organized,”

Michigan USPS ‘Insider’ Delivers Testimony Of ‘Shady’ Postmark Scheme To Handstamp ‘Nov. 3’ On Late Ballots

Another One! Erie, Pa. USPS Insider Exposes ‘Nov. 3’ Postmark Voter Fraud Scheme
BREAKING: PA USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins Goes Public; Confirms Federal Investigation

138,000 Michigan Biden Votes that Appeared Out of Nowhere in the Middle of the Night

Watch workers put up cardboard to stop you from seeing what they are doing. Watch ballot observer explain ballots with no names, or people who are born in 1921 and registered in 1900 (before they were born).…

Court ordered PA election officials to allow Republican observers. But officials still will not let them, as they continue to count and increase Biden’s votes:

Search for Philadelphia voter fraud and you will find cases and convictions:

South Philly judge of elections admits he took bribes to stuff the ballot box for Democratic candidates…
Philadelphia’s Horrible Record of Democrat Voter Fraud Hits New Low…
Indictment of Former Democrat Congressman Widens Voter Fraud Case in Philadelphia…
Massive Vote Fraud Found In Philadelphia—National Scandal Expands
“in New Hampshire, 5,000 residents of Massachusetts voted in the General Election in 2016 in New Hampshire—defeating a Republican incumbent”
“Indiana and Virginia are prosecuting massive vote frauds from the 2016 election.”
“Now we find hundreds of illegal voters in Philadelphia—trying to take the State away from Trump. Voter fraud is easy in most States. In California register your dog online and the dog gets an absentee ballot.”
“The Pennsylvania Department of State has a review underway; but has already reported that, since 1972, 1,160 voters statewide have requested their registrations be canceled because they were not citizens. There can be little doubt this is just the tip of the iceberg.”

No, voter fraud isn’t a myth: 10 cases where it’s all too real
Some Pennsylvania citizens voting twice.
Illegal voters uncovered in Philadelphia; half had previously voted.
Voter registration cards sent to illegals in Pennsylvania.”

North Carolina Announced 100% of Precincts Were Reported On Election Night – But Never Called Trump Win – Now Claim Only 94% of Ballots Counted

‘I Can’t Believe What I’m Seeing – This is a Coup’ – Registered Democrat and Poll Watcher Details Corruption at Philly Vote Counting Center (VIDEO)

Seven Kinds of Election Interference, from Fraud to Censorship…

Democrats Challenge Court Order Allowing GOP Observers…

Report: Democrat PA Officials ‘Privately’ Feeding Biden Campaign His Potential Margin of Victory…

RIGGED ELECTION: TX ‘Ballot Chaser’ Illegally Pressures Voters To Change Votes; “I could go to jail”

John James Campaign Claims Irregularities in Michigan Senate Race…

Fmr NV AG Laxalt: ‘No Question’ Trump Would Have Won Nevada ‘Convincingly’ Without Mail-in Voting…
“ we are still not allowed to watch the signature-matching. We are not allowed to challenge any of those signatures. So, they switch us to this new system, and they give us no right to be sure that only legal voters count. As America knows, those that stayed up like me all night — they dumped these at 3 a.m. They counted through the middle of the night.”
“400,000 votes were cast last night, and there was no observation, no transparency. And you know, we’re supposed to just trust but not be able to verify.”
“We also know there are likely to be dead voters. There are likely to be people that have moved out of Las Vegas but found their ballots were still cast. So we’re looking into all of this, but it’s just astounding when you watch the news commentary last night about this. They keep acting these systems are foolproof, and there’s no way that any improper voter can get through. And it is just simply not true.””

USPS Worker Charged After Being Arrested at Canadian Border With Stolen Ballots

Rudy Giuliani: With mail-in ballots, both parties are supposed to be able to observe the ballots. Republicans were not allowed:

WATCH: Suitcases and Coolers Rolled Into Detroit Voting Center at 4 AM, Brought Into Secure Counting Area

MICHIGAN POLL WATCHER: Ballots Were Turned In With No Names On Them

Michigan County Clerk Discovers Total Votes Counted by “Election Software” DID NOT MATCH Printed Tabulator Tapes!

Detroit Precinct Chair Says Voting Irregularities, Poor Training
“We were instructed not to accept ballots that were not specifically marked as received, but I saw it happen,” Kingen said. “I called the hotline they provided to us for problems, and the people there didn’t know what to do. These people were claiming they never received their live ballots, but they could have just been lying and turned them in later, it’s not possible for us to check those things at the polling places.”

Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar Denied Entry Into Maricopa County Elections Center as Ballots Are Counted

What is Going On? Minnesota and Wisconsin BOTH had 89%-90% Turnout — Something That Is Highly Unlikely

“Democrat Charged In Voter Fraud Scandal Proving Trump Right, Mail In Voting Is A Disaster”

“Democrats Are Destroying Our Election On PURPOSE, Leftists Sending Out BUNK Mail In Voter Forms”

“More Voter Fraud EXPOSED, Mailman Pleads Guilty, Cat Gets Voter Forms, 2020 Chaos Has ALREADY Begun”

“Democratic City SLAMMED By Mail in Voter Fraud Charges, Experts Scared This Proves Trump RIGHT”

“Ilhan Omar Connected Cash-For-Ballots Voter Fraud Scheme Corrupts Elections: ‘These Here Are All Absentee Ballots…Look…My Car Is Full…” ‘Money Is The King Of Everything’”

“Clinton could have received 800,000 votes from noncitizens”…

“Democratic Operative Explains Voter Fraud: We’ve Been Busing People In For Fifty Years”

“HIDDEN CAMERA: NYC Democratic Election Commissioner “I Think There Is A lot of Voter Fraud””
“there’s thousands of absentee ballots [fraud]”
De Blasio gave out ID cards but didn’t vet the people to see who they are.

Texas ‘Ballot Chaser’ Pressures Voter to Change Vote from Cornyn to Hegar: ‘That’s My Job’ … ‘I Can Honestly Say I’m Bringing at Least 7,000 Votes to The Polls’ … Said Garza Gave Her $2,500 Gift Budget

‘Ballot Chaser’ Raquel Rodriguez Boasts Judges, Legislators ‘In My Pocket’ … ‘I’m Getting the Biden Vote Out, But I Mean, I’m Not Going To Do It For Free’…

“Official CAUGHT Outlining Democrat VOTER FRAUD Playbook”

Veritas Voter Fraud Compilation – #VoterFraudIsReal

“Voter Fraud Is Real. Here’s The Proof”…

Study Claims Up to 2.8 million Non-Citizens Voted in 2008…

“Hidden Camera: Hillary Campaign Using Photos of Trump to Illegally Register Voters”

3 Million Illegal Immigrants Voted, Claims Greg Phillips of VoteStand…

“O’Keefe Undercover Video Shows Hillary Campaign Skirting Election Laws”

“Hidden Camera: Hillary Campaign Using Photos of Trump to Illegally Register Voters”

3 Million Illegal Immigrants Voted, Claims Greg Phillips of VoteStand…

“O’Keefe Undercover Video Shows Hillary Campaign Skirting Election Laws”

“Hidden Camera: Hillary Campaign Using Photos of Trump to Illegally Register Voters”

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