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A Natural Health Practitioner’s Story

natural medicine herbalist health store naturopath,

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science

The NZDSOS Truth Project is an opportunity for health care workers and others to disclose what they are seeing since the rollout of the injections.

Please note: When asking for this information, we are aware that there are people who seek to discredit us and who have posed as people they are not (e.g. journalists pretending to be patients). We are trusting that those who provide this information are genuine and seek to share what is being hidden. We cannot guarantee that there are not some with ulterior motives providing false information. As doctors, our default setting is trusting people.

I trained as a naturopath, Medical Herbalist over 20 years ago and have recently returned to part-time work in the local health store. The shop staff have seen a huge increase in customers presenting with jab damage-related symptoms.

Doctors cannot offer relief and are often diagnosing an array of vague viral symptoms. We encourage people to report these injuries to either NZDSOS or Linda Wharton. We can only treat symptomatically and follow parts of the detox protocols as budgets allow.

It is difficult in a retail environment to have a full-blown consultation and one is cautious about asking if they have been jabbed when suspecting damage from gene therapy (I am getting much more up front).

Our predominantly elderly cannot correlate symptoms with this and as they are fearful we often do not go down that track with them (often just enough to defend our lack of mask-wearing)!

Lots of heart-related symptoms, muscle aches, pain and fatigue and recently more severe respiratory illness in younger clients with more virulent ’flu strains.

The future concerns me with increased regulations (fortunately we can carry some practitioner products) and increasing costs of supplies. We have a great local community and are running workshops on foraging, gardening, herbal remedies – tincture making and I want to promote the tissue salts as a safe and cost-effective first line of treatment.

It would be great to work alongside local GPs but I feel our medical ethics have sadly become too diverse as they have a 3+ week waiting list for a consulting (people still want a pill for an instant fix without taking any responsibility for their own health).

If you are a Health Care worker Tell your story here.
