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A New Bikie Gang in Town – The Lawbreakers

grayscale photo of people racing bikes
Photo by Simon Connellan. The BFD.

It appears at the weekend a new bikie gang emerged. They don’t appear to have a name so I will give them one – The Lawbreakers. These half-brained clueless clots appear to think that the way to get other road users on their side is to deliberately harass and inconvenience them. They seem to think the way to get those implementing the law on their side is to break it. One could be forgiven for thinking, with that mentality, they are mainly Labour and Green supporters.

The only good thing about them being on bikes is that with so little between the ears, you wouldn’t want them in charge of a car. Next thing we would need special car lanes for those who are a danger to themselves and other road users. Perhaps one of the reasons they are on a bike is because they failed their driving test for the tenth time. They certainly didn’t show any intelligence with their stupidity at the weekend. You can tell the arrogance of these types by the way they ride on any given day. They have a propensity to give the impression that they own the road.

How often have you noticed if there are two of them that they will probably be riding side by side? You do get groups but they are the recreational types at weekends. Cyclists on a weekday, compared to those using other means of transport to get to work, are a rare species. Far too much time is given to listening to the demands of these lawbreakers and far too much money has been spent on them. A study of the cost of cycleways vis-à-vis their usage would find them to be highly cost-ineffective. It’s high time these loony greenie activist types were told to ride off into the sunset.

Bike Trap GIF by Luis Ricardo

I am aware the Harbour Bridge is under the purview of NZTA and not Auckland Transport but these idiots need to be told there is no way they can be safely accommodated on the bridge. If one of them met with an accident you can bet your bottom dollar it wouldn’t be their fault.

Take Stanley Street where there have been two cycling deaths over recent years. That piece of road is too dangerous for cyclists, even with dedicated lanes. Cyclists should be banned. There are a myriad of other ways to access Tamaki Drive; the one and only area in Auckland that warrants a cycleway.

And why? Because it’s a flat piece of road its full length and handy to the CBD. Auckland, by reason of its topography, is not given to cycling. Only the dedicated cyclists will do so on a regular basis and they are very much in the minority.

We had an overseas student staying with us some years ago and he bought a bike thinking it was the way to get around. The experiment lasted about a week. Auckland is not Christchurch or Copenhagen; it is for the most part uphill and down dale, built on around fifty volcanoes. A cycling nightmare. If you want to do it, you shouldn’t expect ratepayer or taxpayer monies to be wasted on underused cycling infrastructure.

Those addressing the gathering were no surprise, particularly the two not so bright lights from the Green Party. Julie Anne Genter thinks you can do almost anything on a bike, supermarket shopping, take kids to sport, take Grandma to her health appointment, even cycle to hospital to have your baby.


As for Chloe Swarbrick, she’s just another one devoid of reality. These types don’t live in the real world. They live in another universe. They don’t deal in practicalities, they simply have a desire to implement strategies which, though impractical in our world, are a panacea in theirs.

So 1,500 fruit loops made up of mainly halfwitted hippies and pedalling pensioners decided to try and progress their aim for cycle lanes over the bridge. In their infinite wisdom, they decided the best way to achieve their goal was to break the law, overpower the police and harass other road users.

If we were ever involved in another war, God forbid, you wouldn’t want these clowns in the strategy room, would you? Seriously, these people are one sandwich short of a picnic. They need to think twice before pulling a stunt like that again.

The Green Genter told them they were on the right side of history. That remains to be seen but last weekend they put themselves well and truly on the wrong side of the law and no doubt public opinion as well. Imbeciles.

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