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The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

Reading the NZ Herald a couple of weeks back, I encountered a full page article under the heading “SMALL BUSINESS Q&A”. It included a large photo of two affable looking blokes, their shirts hanging out, both clad in blue jeans and with their hands uniformly plunged deep in their pockets.

So what small business were they engaged in? My initial reaction, based on their oafish appearance, was something like cleaning cars, running a fat woman’s brothel, dog walking, weeding gardens and the like, but reading on, not so.

It transpired, these two were the former Solicitor General Michael Heron K.C and the new outfit’s manager, a Will Eddowes, like seemingly everyone these days, possessor of a law degree.

Their venture; a cost-cutting on-line legal service for divorcees wanting to cheaply agree on their split-up division of assets.

Will showed himself to be illiterate; I quote; “The team is essentially six.” “Essentially?” It’s either bloody six or it’s not. Perhaps sums are not his strong point.

Nor it transpired is his grammar, his next remark being, “Alongside Mike and I we have three very sharp law students…” “Mike and me” you oaf.

Then proving my suspicion that he can’t count, Will then listed another on-tap 16 lawyers.

Further down Will likened this venture to UBER. It’s an excellent comparison as I’ll wager he will discover, namely bloody good for the consumer but profitless for the organisers.

So if these two are motivated by altruism then they should box on. But if profit is their primary consideration, they should entertain the fat woman’s brothel concept for which, extraordinary though it may seem, there’s a market, borne out by their prevalence in a number of Arab countries and Latin America. In New Zealand today they’ll certainly have no trouble building a stable of 400 pound females. Pioneering such a service would be a lovely cap on their careers.

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