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As Mark Steyn famously wrote, “Muslims Fear Backlash from Tomorrow’s Terror Attack”. If there’s one thing that’s more predictable than some beardy-weirdy jihadi going all Allahu Ackbar! in the streets of London, Paris or Melbourne, it’s that their co-religionists and their cheer squads on the “progressive” left will somehow make it all about them.

This weird inverse religious paranoia has some very real and horrific consequences for non-Muslims. The gutless inability to even speak the truth about Islamic violence leads Western politicians to crush free speech. Craven terror of being accused of “racism” allowed gangs of Muslim paedophiles to get away with the industrial-scale rape of white and Sikh girls in Britain for decades.

And it leads to a deliberate and systematic denial of a very real wave of violent religious persecution sweeping Africa and Europe: the brutal persecution of Christians.

Two unnamed underage perpetrators face criminal charges in France for attacking a 15-year-old boy and 17-year-old girl on Sunday after the victims attended a Church service in Rambouillet, on the outskirts of Paris.

“Unnamed”, one suspects, because names like “Muhammad”, “Achmed” or “Omar” would give the game away for all to see.

Police say the alleged perpetrators assaulted the two young people in front of the Sainte Bernadette Church in Rambouillet, promising to “kill” them and screaming “dirty Christians” as they punched them several times. The victims’ mother was still inside the church when the two teens were targeted.

According to CNews journalist Amaury Bucco, the perpetrators also yelled “dirty Whites,” during the assault.

Of course, no legacy media whitewash is complete without a mealy-mouthed attempt to blame the victims.

On Twitter, Bucco, the CNews journalist, speculated whether the attack was an act of revenge after a Muslim prayer tent was set on fire earlier in the week.


It’s always someone else’s fault.

Such attacks, though, are only the merest ripple of the tsunami of anti-Christian and anti-Semitic hate sweeping Europe in the wake of mass Muslim immigration. Not just the beatings, rapes and murders, including the murders of old ladies and priests: churches, cathedrals and crosses have been targeted for vandalism on a staggering scale.

Instead of cracking down on the perpetrators, though, the EU elite seems determined to punish the victims.

In a recent interview on Hungarian radio, Deputy Director at ADF International Robert Clarke spoke about the growing censorship in Europe that is particularly harsh on people of Christian faith. ADF is a Vienna based international advocacy group that has in recent years been involved in the defense of a number of Christian victims of radical leftist or Islamist persecution worldwide.

It’s not just criticism of Muslims which is verboten in Europe these days, of course. Criticism of the other sacred cow of modern “progressives”, “LGBTQI+”, is also met with unflinching punishment from the EU elite (that Islam and “LGBTQI+” are mutually incompatible never seems to occur to these loons).

All that matters is expunging Christianity from the public sphere.

Finnish politician and former Minister of Interior Paivi Rasanen […] is facing charges of hate speech, and could receive a two-year prison sentence if found guilty on the basis that she spoke out against LGBTQ ideology using Bible quotes. The case against her has been brought by Finnish Prosecutor General Raija Toiviainen against the recommendation of the police who questioned Rasanen for four hours about her statements, and found no case for prosecution.

Toiviainen has also brought a case against the Lutheran Bishop Juhana Pohjola for republishing Rasanen’s pamphlet, in which she contrasts Biblical teaching with LGBTQ ideology. She has also brought a case against Finnish MP Juha Maenpaa for comparing Muslim migrants to “invasive species.”


Across Europe, politicians are joining in the erasure of Christianity.

Germany’s Foreign Ministry led by the Green Party’s Annalena Baerbock removed the historic Council Cross in the Peace Hall in Munster during the G7 summit […]

According to Germany’s Catholic news portal, the diocese of Munster called the measure “incomprehensible” and spoke of a reduced understanding of tolerance. “The cross stands — even if it hasn’t always been observed — for tolerance, peace, and humanity” as well as “for overcoming violence and death,” the diocese explained.


No wonder it’s “offensive” to Muslims, then.

But when even the Pope is so gutless as to cover up crosses, during a visit to Malta, for fear of “offending” Muslim illegal immigrants, it’s no surprise that EU politicians feel so empowered to erase what has been the cultural and religious bedrock of European culture for thousands of years.

Malta, Muslims and no Cross: Is this Pope even a Catholic? The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.


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