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A New Documentary Exposes the C-19 Response


A Midwestern Doctor

By all metrics, Covid-19 was one of, if not the biggest medical disaster in history. Yet, unlike every other past debacle, there has never been a professionally done documentary of why this happened – instead, each production has simply focused on how many people were killed by Covid-19 (e.g., by interviewing doctors at the hardest hit hospitals in America).

This again is reflective of how much of what happened during the pandemic was ultimately a product of widespread censorship that was conducted to protect a powerful industry which places profits over human lives. However, while those tactics worked then, they are no longer cutting it because more and more of the public are waking up to exactly what was done to them as almost everyone knows they were lied to about the vaccines.

In turn, while propaganda is immensely powerful (e.g., if you repeat “safe and effective” enough times people will eventually believe it), because most people who were vaccinated kept on getting Covid regardless of how many boosters they received and many others developed severe injuries, no amount of propaganda can cover that up forever. For illustrate, numerous polls (listed here) have shown that:

•Half of Americans believe the Covid vaccines are not safe.
•Half believe the vaccines are causing a significant number of “unexplained” deaths.
•A quarter believe someone they knew personally died from the vaccine.
•34 per cent do not believe the vaccines are effective.
•Around seven per cent experienced a severe side effect from the vaccine, and 34 per cent  experienced a minor side effect.

Note: one of the most important thing about this polling was while that both Democrat and Republicans had different perceptions of the safety and efficacy of the vaccines (since the the issue was politicized), they had almost identical rates of recognizing vaccine injuries in themselves and in those around them – which again illustrates that while powerful, there is still a limit as to what propaganda can make people believe.

These polling results in turn are mirrored by real life data which continues to show a lot of people started dying after the vaccines hit the market and that many more became disabled. Yet, despite this being the biggest story in America, most of the networks won’t touch it. In turn, this has created an unprecedented window for the independent media to flourish and messages which previously went nowhere to suddenly reach millions of people.

For example, over the last few weeks, I worked on putting together a fairly important story about how the pharmaceutical industry paid off a lot of online influencers (e.g., doctors) to silence anyone who suggested Covid-19 was treatable with an off-patent treatment. This story was well received, so I worked with Pierre Kory to craft something which could reach the general public, and in the space of a day, it was seen by almost 200,000 people. I view this as extraordinary (as I remember not too long ago how much of a struggle it was for a vital piece of truth to even be seen by 1,000 people) and a sign of the fact the public is now willing to support non-corporate messages reaching them.

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John Davidson

At this point, it’s clear to many that the mass media has largely sold out America and that most of the journalists we trust to ‘report the truth’ instead are promoting whatever management tells them will benefit their corporate sponsors. However, while this is the case, many journalists don’t like it, and only did so because they felt they had no other option.

However, because of how much interest there is in genuine media (e.g., the grass roots support Substack has received has allowed many like myself to devote a lot of time to writing here) and the fact that the mainstream media is taking in less and less money (which is leading to many journalists getting laid off), many journalists who previously worked in the mainstream media are now jumping ship to join the alternative media.

John Davidson is one such example (e.g., he used to be a journalist and video editor for CNN and then worked as a producer and director for many of the other major networks), but, during Covid, realized he had to speak out about what was happening and began covering what had happened to the vaccine injured. In turn, he decided that he needed to take on the task no one else had – producing a professional quality documentary about the corruption which gave rise to the disaster we saw throughout Covid-19.

Note: in my eyes, one of the largest things which has made it possible to overturn the insurmountable monster the medical-industrial-complex created for Covid was a grass roots network of citizen journalists who took up the call to speak out and the fact that this community was very supportive of anyone who was trying to do good work regardless of their background. For example, in my case, despite being a nobody and anonymous, the largest people on here felt I was doing something important and promoted me, giving me a platform I never imagined I would have (the content I produce now receives millions of views each month). For this reason, I try to pay that forward and promote other people who I feel are in the same situation I was in two years ago.

As John Davidson was one of the main journalists who exposed what that shady network of online healthcare influencers, I reached out to him when I produced that story and he in turn, was immensely helpful. In return, he asked me to watch his documentary and consider promoting it.

Since I got a good feel about his heart and character (e.g., in regard to the spiritual qualities I discussed at the end of this article), I honored his request. In turn, after I watched his documentary, I recognized that it was a critical media production for our movement. This was because it effectively breaks down the scam which was pulled upon us in a way that can reach and persuade people who have doubts about what happened but don’t have the background people who have been studied this issue for years do.

The primary purpose of this article is to have you watch the documentary, so when you have time, please consider doing so.

Note: the imbedded video can be viewed on Youtube here. If it gets pulled (which happens a lot with Youtube), it can also be viewed on Rumble here.

Epidemic of Fraud

In a recent article, I tried to explain one of the curious conundrums about Covid-19 – while the disease was somewhat novel, it was not that hard to treat and dozens of effective treatments for it were quickly discovered (best demonstrated by the fact many third world countries with minimal funding for their medical systems were able to effectively address the disease and had a relatively small death rate). Yet, in all the richer countries, it was viewed as ‘untreatable’ and those who went to the hospital with a severe case typically died.

In turn, a curious paradigm emerged, the more countries did what the best ‘experts’ (e.g., the WHO) told them to do – the more people died. Even more remarkably, those “biodefense” experts had received billions each year for decades to conduct a variety of risky experiments (e.g., the gain of function ones which created Covid-19) under the logic all that research would prevent a disastrous pandemic and hence was necessary.

It’s pretty hard to justify a track record like that (especially given how poorly they performed during Covid-19), and it has led to many (myself included) concluding this whole thing was a racket which only cares about justifying its existence (e.g., through more disastrous pandemics occurring) and hence is unlikely to ever actually solve the problem it’s tasked with (as doing so would put them out of business).

Note: because of the widespread public outcry towards these tactics, the WHO has moved to have a global treaty (which supersedes national law) be enshrined across the world that forces everyone to do what was done during Covid (e.g., continuing risky bioweapons research or creating liability-free ‘emergency’ pharmaceuticals and mandating them). That treaty will soon be voted upon by the WHO, so like many I have been trying to bring attention to it so that it can be overturned (which is discussed in more detail here).

So, during Covid-19, we saw a ghastly playbook be utilized – every safe and effective treatment was attacked and blocked from entering the market, while a variety of dangerous and ineffective treatments were pushed onto it, all of which proved to be ineffective enough that it justified mandating an experimental vaccination upon the world (as there was no other ‘treatment’ for Covid-19).

Note: the one effective experimental (and lucrative) treatment that was brought to the market were the SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibodies and, unlike the rest of the proprietary treatments, these were then blocked from getting to many of the Americans who needed them.

Sadly, this was the exact same playbook which was used during the AIDS crisis in the 1980s, so many of us were able to correctly predict exactly how this would play out (especially since many of the key figures in the Covid-19 response like Anthony Fauci were directly responsible for what happened with HIV and predictably did the exact same thing this time around).

So, from very the start of Covid-19, like many, I worked to find an effective treatment for I knew without one a variety of disastrous treatments would be pushed onto the market. In turn, like many, I ran into a series of absurd roadblocks from the FDA which prevented things we knew could treat Covid-19 from going anywhere.

Fortunately, other researchers around the world made an important discovery – hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, two widely available, affordable, and highly regarded drugs (due to their decades of proven safety and efficacy) effectively treated Covid-19. Even more remarkably, one of these drugs (hydroxychloroquine) had already been identified as a promising SARS treatment by the biodefense industry.

Note: nitazoxanide was also identified as a promising SARS treatment and also effectively treated Covid-19, but it never caught as much attention (which I suspect was since its generic formulation cost significantly more than the other two).

Yet, rather than promote these drugs, the federal bureaucracy, the mass media and the academic press relentlessly attacked anyone who proposed using them, leading to a situation where many doctors were forced to do it discretely and constantly be at risk of losing their medical license (which quite a few did) for providing that lifesaving care.

On the surface, the fact that something like that could happen in America seems preposterous, but as we all saw over the last few years, it did. Davidson’s documentary in turn breaks down exactly what happened with one of those drugs (hydroxychloroquine) and the degree to which so many public officials lied through their teeth to keep it off the market – to the point they were even able to override the Trump administration trying to get it to the American people. For example, clinical trials were conducted which deliberately gave the participants toxic doses of hydroxychloroquine and then used their deaths to argue a decades old drug was suddenly ‘unsafe’ and blared that message (along with other fabricated data which supported that narrative) throughout the mass media.

Note: during the pandemic, we reached out to the Trump administration for help since the (“Warp Speed”) FDA was stonewalling us, and our contact essentially told us they agreed our therapy had merit, but given how much the media had turned the public against them for promoting hydroxychloroquine, they could not take on the political risk of promoting something less orthodox right before an election.

In turn, since I’ve actively studied the period Davidson documented, I can verify his accounts are accurate (e.g., many of the key figures who blocked America from receiving hydroxychloroquine later went on to receive lucrative pharmaceutical jobs). Additionally, because of his media background, he was able to do something I feel is very important I have not see anyone else do – create montages of everyone in the media echoing the sculpted language created to sell the Covid narrative. This is a very common practice (e.g., consider this montage of ‘independent’ journalists echoing the language a PR firm determined was the most effective way to promote their client’s message):

Note: many have suspected that Peter Hotez is working with the pharmaceutical industry since he always gets softball interviews on mainstream networks to promote vaccination (which he of course denies). One of the interesting things I realized from watching Davidson’s montages was the Peter Hotez verbatim saying the same sculpted pharmaceutical talking points many others were also repeating.

Overall, what I find so frustrating about this tactic is how effective it is – the language crafted through testing it on focus groups is incredibly effective at influencing individuals who do not have an extensive background in the subject. In turn, I believe one of the most important aspects of Davidson’s documentary is he makes this tactic clear to the viewer, and through doing so, gives them the ability to begin seeing through it so they can no longer by influenced by it – something I would argue is pivotal as that approach is how so many audacious lies are sold to the public, and it is hence guaranteed this approach will be used for the next pandemic too.


Once Covid-19 started and I realized the scale of what we were up against (as trillions were on the line to make sure the disease was never cured), I accepted that it would likely be impossible to stop the immense human tragedy we were watching unfold. Nonetheless, I was also hopeful.

This is because I felt what was being done during the pandemic was so over the top and so beyond what most of America had experienced before that it would likely lead to widespread public outcry, and eventually a complete loss of trust in the people who pushed this upon us. While this is terrible, the alternative was what we had already been watching, a continual and sustained increase in corruption of all our institutions (which amongst other things is what allowed Covid-19 to happen), and I believe had something extreme as COVID not been pulled on America in 2020, we instead would have seen something similar to it anyways 10 years down the road – but unlike now, it would not have been as stark a contrast to what people were already habituated to and hence not as widely protested.

Consider for instance that in his final broadcast before he was fired from Fox News, Tucker Carlson pointed out that the rest of the Mass Media sold out America by taking money to relentlessly promote the vaccines even once it was already known they were unsafe and ineffective. Like many, I suspect a key reason why the media has refused to report on the wave of vaccine related deaths we are now seeing is because it would require them to admit their culpability and they are hence doubling down on their lies.

While many things can be taken from Tucker’s story, I believe the most important one was that once he was fired, rather than lose his platform, Tucker became much more popular and now regularly produces news segments which get more viewership than the rest of the media combined. This in turn illustrates the situation all of the establishment is in – they’ve lied so much that when people speak the truth, many are now willing to listen. That in short is why documentaries like Davidson’s are so important right now.

Note: Davidson (who can also be followed on Twitter) is now fundraising to make a followup documentary about the vast online censorship apparatus we spent the last week working to expose.

If you are able to watch it, please let me know what you think of in the comments (e.g., my main critique is that since there is only so much you can cover in two hours, it didn’t go into the horrendous War on Ivermectin, or exactly what transpired within the Whitehouse’s Covid-19 task force where individuals like Deborah Birx and Anthony Fauci did everything they could to destroy America for the vaccine industry).

I thank each of you for the support you have given this publication which has made my work possible, and more importantly for everything you’ve done to help shift the insurmountable needle on this issue and begin waking up the public to exactly what has happened and that we all need to come together to do it fix this.
