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A New Low, Even for Dictator Dan

Hard at work dealing with the Alice Springs crisis. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Now that Anthony Albanese has the prime ministership, “Let us enjoy it” seems to be his sole guiding compass.

This is, after all, the prime minister who spent almost the entirety of his first months in office overseas or on holiday in Australia. When real problems, like the anarchic lawlessness in Alice Springs arise, the politician who promised never to go missing in action… is missing in action.

Living the lifestyle to which he has become accustomed in a lifetime of living solely on the taxpayer dollar, Albanese rigorously eschews the hard stuff for posing for fatuous selfies and lapping up the perks of office. Albanese spent a whopping two hours in a fly-in-fly-out visit to Alice Springs. He spent 36 times as long warming his arse and scarfing free ice cream on the most expensive seats at the Australian Open.

Along with his good socialist comrade, Dictator Dan.

Victorian Premier Dan Andrews has been accused of ‘world-record hypocrisy’ for accepting Australian Open VIP seats from the airline Emirates, which is based in Dubai, where homosexuality is a capital crime.

The accusations come as Prime Minister Anthony Albanese also faces a chorus of criticism for spending three nights at the tennis but paying only a fleeting visit to Alice Springs, where there has been a catastrophic collapse of law and order.

At least Novak Djokovic had the satisfaction of rubbing it in the face of the politician who so relentlessly punished him for the crime of making his own medical choices. Winning is the best revenge, and Novak won again in handsome fashion, emphatically sealing his legacy as the greatest male tennis player of all time, right in Andrews’ face.

Dictator Dan has, of course, become a by-word in leftist hypocrisy, but his shameless grubbing of freebies at the Open is a new low, even for him.

Melbourne talkback radio host Neil Mitchell was scathing on Tuesday after noting Mr Andrews and his wife Catherine were guests of the Dubai-based carrier during the semi-final match between Novak Djokovic and Stefanos Tsitsipas on Friday.

‘Even for him, this was world-record hypocrisy,’ Mitchell thundered.

Mitchell reminded 3AW listeners of the premier’s uncompromising stance toward former NAB boss Andrew Thornburn who was forced to resign shortly after taking the job as Essendon AFL club CEO over his links to a controversial church.

‘The premier took after him and accused him of supporting a church that followed hatred, intolerance and bigotry because it didn’t approve of homosexuality and Andrew Thorburn was effectively drummed out of that job before he started,’ Mitchell said.

Recall Andrews’ own words: the standard you walk past is the standard you accept.

Yeah, about that…

Emirates is owned by a public investment fund of the conservative Middle East emirate of Dubai, which Mitchell lambasted as setting ‘new standards in hatred and bigotry’ when ‘it comes to gay people’.

‘Homosexuality is a capital crime (in Dubai) is it punishable by death,’ Mitchell stated.

‘They execute gay people, they practice conversion therapy.

‘Andrew Thornburn’s church doesn’t approve of homosexuality but it preaches love towards gay people.

‘In Dubai they execute them.’

Mitchell wondered how the Premier could justify accepting free tickets and hospitality from the airline.
‘Andrew Thornburn’s church doesn’t approve of homosexuality but it preaches love towards gay people. In Dubai they execute them.’

The same way Albanese can lap up free beer and ice cream, while Aboriginal kids are running riot in Alice Springs.

Northern Territory Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, who served as the former deputy mayor of Alice Springs, was unsparing in her appraisal of Mr Albanese’s priorities.

‘It’s an insult and a kick in the guts for the people of Alice Springs to see the PM spending more time relaxing and chugging back beers at the tennis than what he did on the ground in Alice Springs,’ Senator Price told reporters.

Daily Mail

Well, what does she expect him to do? Work?

Why would he start, now?
