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Editorial: A New Year and a New Focus for the BFD

Dad’s Army they don’t like it up em

As Corporal Jones from Dad’s Army often commented: ” They don’t like it up em!”

This year is the year that The BFD will be attacking Cancel Culture with the exact same weapons that have been so effectively used to cancel conservative voices all over the world.

I want to make it clear that we do not approve of cancel culture tactics or agree with their justifications for using those tactics. We at The BFD will be fighting fire with fire because passively sitting by watching commentator after commentator and website after website being de-plaformed has worked so well for Conservatives thus far…

Sarcastic Sarcasm GIF

I can’t stand identity politics but I love to claim the woman of colour defense when arguing with left-wingers because then they tie themselves in knots trying not to offend me. I don’t think that the colour of my skin is important but foolishly and wrongly they do.

In the same way if conservatives are losing their jobs because free speech doesn’t apply to them then we at The BFD are prepared this year to go after left-wing commentators.

We will go after them not because we think that they shouldn’t have the right to express their opinions but because their employers and the advertisers who finance their employers think that they should have the power to control what the commentators can and can’t say.

We won’t metaphorically fire the gun we will simply highlight the target and the MSM and their advertisers can load the gun and fire the bullets.

man wearing black and red cycling top
Look over there it’s a man with the wrong opinion…..Photo by Simon Connellan. The BFD

It is not until cancel culture starts affecting people that the left care about that they will start to realise how important free speech is. They celebrate and rejoice when Conservatives are silenced because they don’t agree with their opinions but how will they feel when some of their metaphorical sacred cows get slaughtered?

We need to hammer home that handing over media’s free speech to their advertisers is the beginning of the end. How free will NZ Media be if all their key advertisers control what can and cannot be said on their platforms?

On the other hand NZ Advertisers will soon find themselves with no one left to advertise with as they will have cancelled them all in a few years time. The BFD is future-proofed because it is reader funded. We know that relying on advertising is suicide in today’s cancel culture society. NZ radio in particular are completely vulnerable to the whims of their advertisers which means that they will continue to bleed their audience as their talkback shows and programmes become increasingly vanilla.

It is going to be a fun year for The BFD as we have taken off the gloves and have sharpened our pen. They are not going to like it up em that’s for sure.

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