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Sir Bob Jones

As a policy decision, I rarely respond to comments on this Blog. However, such has been the overwhelming supportive response to my comments regarding the ghastly hypocritical, sponging little turd Ricardo Menendez March, not merely on this site but particularly on Kiwiblog, I’d like to record my gratitude which has been touching.

I’ll also comment on one respondent who asked why my support of refugees is confined to girls.

First, it’s not; there are other things but it certainly is for the refugee scholarships. The reason is that the refugees largely come from Muslim countries where girls are treated as inferior. But it’s not just Muslim countries but to varying degrees true of every culture. In short I think females get a comparatively rough deal, first by nature and also, if unintentionally, by cultural norms.

I may be wrong but the only exception on my observation are Samoans. Through my past involvement with boxing I got to know many and noted for example, how they pushed their daughters into university with as much passion as to their sons. Joseph Parker’s family is typical. Joseph’s older sister having a law degree.

That said, specially with the first arrivals back in the 1950s, they were overly protective of their daughters in accord with Samoan custom.

A final comment of this re the refugee daughters’ scheme.

Some years ago the Mangare Refugee Centre invited me plus some of our key people out to show us around. Among other things they also gathered up a couple of dozen girls we were putting through uni.

One of them tentatively asked why we only supported girls. I explained as outlined above and they took it in, plainly pleased.

Then I asked how many had brothers. Most put their hands up.

“Well girls,” I said, “I’ll give you a message to pass on to them so listen carefully”.

They sat attentively and I said, “Tell them I said they can get stuffed”.

We were blinded by white teeth and emanating rays of joy.

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