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A NZ Health Insurance Broker’s Story

man in blue denim jacket facing turned on monitor
Photo by Austin Distel. The BFD.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science

The NZDSOS Truth Project is an opportunity for health care workers and others to disclose what they are seeing since the rollout of the injections.

Please note: When asking for this information, we are aware that there are people who seek to discredit us and who have posed as people they are not (e.g. journalists pretending to be patients). We are trusting that those who provide this information are genuine and seek to share what is being hidden. We cannot guarantee that there are not some with ulterior motives providing false information. As doctors, our default setting is trusting people.

I run a small Insurance Brokerage specialising in Life, Medical, Trauma and Income cover. I have been doing this for decades, so am pretty close to the clients and try to get involved in every claim.

I have a decent book of medical insurance, so claims take up a fair part of the admin time. The base is a real mix of ages, from kids just started work (looked after their parents since before they were born) through to retirees. I have about 650 individual people (including kids) who I look after.

I have seen a significant uptick in health claims – some quite serious, since vaccinations started to be rolled out.

In terms of what I would call suspicious morbidity claims (none reported to CARM and all downplayed by medical professionals), I have seen severe infections, new and relapsed tumours, chest pain, stroke and neuropathy. I’m not a medical professional but my engineering training makes me always take a step back and say, “OK, what has recently changed?”

In every case there seems to be proximity with vaccination. Industry insiders I am close to, and other brokers I interact with supply software to, confirm similar client claim patterns.

Premiums are already starting to move and sabre rattling of 6 or 8 months ago by one Industry CEO, that “they may have to unload unvaccinated clients” seems to have fallen eerily quiet… What a shock.

If you are a Health Care worker Tell your story here.


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It’s time for Te Pāti Māori to be judged for their actions, instead of their words. They should come out and tell their supporters they love fossil fuels, lots and lots.

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