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A NZ Nurse and a Daughter Share Their Stories

woman in white button up shirt and blue stethoscope

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science

The NZDSOS Truth Project is an opportunity for health care workers and others to disclose what they are seeing since the rollout of the injections.

Please note: When asking for this information, we are aware that there are people who seek to discredit us and who have posed as people they are not (e.g. journalists pretending to be patients).  We are trusting that those who provide this information are genuine and seek to share what is being hidden.  We cannot guarantee that there are not some with ulterior motives providing false information.  As doctors, our default setting is trusting people.

The importance of being a critical thinker is taught on the nursing degree; this lead me to doing my own research about the vaccine. I felt so determined that I didn’t want the injection because I believed it should be a personal choice.

Regardless of this, and for not having a ‘justifiable reason’ I was mandated out of my new job from November 15th 2021 for four weeks. I believed I should have the same rights as anyone, i.e. that of personal choice. ‘My body my choice’ not the government’s. I ended up at my doctor’s and was put on antidepressants.

My marriage was failing, not because I don’t have a supportive husband but because of the stress of being unemployed with depression which was literally ruining my life and my family. I couldn’t stand seeing them watching me go like this without knowing what to do.

Their sadness was tearing me apart. I ended up caving, to try and get some sort of normal family life back. I had both injections three weeks apart in December in order to keep my job and save my family.

The second injection crippled me. I had nose bleeds, heart palpitations, random deep bruising on my legs, dizziness, headaches turning to migraines, nausea, loss of balance and extreme fatigue.

Today I spoke to my dad on the phone. He answered incoherently and told me he was laying in his bed looking at the roof, waiting to die. His nurse tells me he has stopped eating and lost all faith. He is currently in a secure dementia unit, in lockdown because covid has entered the facility.

Since he has been in the unit his mental health has declined because he is currently not allowed to see family. I’ve been waiting on the phone all day today because the lines are full of people worrying about their parents. As a single parent myself, with little children, and lacking family support, I couldn’t look after my father as he wanders regularly and is not mobile.

During the covid outbreak at the home, an existing UTI infection flared up and he had to go into hospital. He waited in the ED, in excruciating pain for hours. The staff at the ED did their best but that night, he got very sick. Luckily the antibiotics got him back on track by the morning. We will go through all this again. This is all supposedly to keep our elderly safe? Instead, they are waiting in emergency wards getting sicker, lying there alone with no one they love around them. With nurses stretched to their limits trying to do the best job possible.

They wake up every morning and forget where they are, then some stranger comes in with a cup of tea, kitted out in a plastic overcoat and plastic mask. The virus has gone through this country two or three times now, for some people, yet we are still keeping our elderly away from the people they love and putting them in a place of serious depression.

While you sip on your latte with your mates, without a mask in a crowded restaurant, my dad and many others like him are lying in their beds, surrounded by strangers, lonely and wanting to die.

When they go into the hospital, they are neglected because the nursing staff just can’t keep up. Meanwhile, there are nurses waiting at home, without a job, who would happily work but can’t because they have made the decision not to be vaccinated.

If my dad is dying in a hospital, I couldn’t care less if the nurse is vaccinated, I just want her to help him and take the stress off the other nurses and doctors.

The exact same virus is circulating in other countries but if my dad was still in the UK, I’d be able to sit with him and hold his hand.

If you have some compassion for my dad and the many like him, please share this, please write to your local MP about your experiences, please take a stand.

It might not be affecting you right now, but one day it could be you lying in that home, bewildered, dying alone without your family. Will it matter then? End the healthcare mandates. They are causing more damage than good.

NZDSOS comment: wasn’t all this to protect the elderly in the first place? How has our society been “killed with kindness” as we abandon our olds and experiment on our children?

If you are a Health Care worker Tell your story here.
