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A NZ School Promoting Transgenderism to Children

red apple fruit on four pyle books
Photo by Element5 Digital. The BFD.

We are a group of parents with children at Mellons Bay School. In Term 3 2023, Mellons Bay School approved their “Inclusive Education” Policy which will require everyone to use preferred pronouns for transgender staff and students. When a parent wrote to ask, “Will children be disciplined for not using these pronouns?” the principal responded, “Behaviours that exclude or aim to hurt or depreciate someone would be addressed. Gender neutral language can help create a more inclusive society where individuals of all genders are recognised and respected and encourages language that is inclusive and respectful…” It is unclear about specific situations where this would apply.

Using preferred pronouns for children may seem like a kind and harmless courtesy, but it is in fact a powerful psychotherapeutic technique that solidifies a child’s identity of themselves as the opposite sex.

Under this policy, if even one student or staff member transitions, all children are sent the message that it is possible to change sex. Many young people overseas have tried changing sex using puberty blockers, hormones and surgeries, and have reported their regret at doing so.

The TRUTH about the transgender agenda

As Katie Anderson states:

“No one meant to lock me into an identity that would leave me more broken and confused than before … they were really all just being nice.” (See Linktree for full story).

If a child doesn’t fit in a gender stereotype, the ideology behind preferred pronouns tells the child that they were ‘born in the wrong body’. Can you imagine telling your child that they were born wrong? This message is profoundly abusive. We should be giving a body positive message, that there is no right way to be a boy or a girl. If a girl likes masculine things, she is not born wrong, she is 100% a beautiful girl, perfect as she is, no medicines or body modification needed.

Also see Spotlight Australia’s documentary ‘The Gender Agenda’, Family First New Zealand, Resist Gender Education, Parents Against Gender Education (Facebook), and Let Kids Be Kids NZ (Facebook and – links included in Linktree.

Ministry of Education Policies

Since 2020, primary schools have been subject to a raft of policies that will promote transgenderism to children. It is unclear how many of these policies will be adopted by Mellons Bay School. For links to the following documents use the QR code or Linktree address below.

  • The 2020 Relationship and Sexuality Education Guidelines for Years 1-8 suggests teaching children about puberty blockers as a science lesson topic (page 28)
  • The Ministry of Education (MoE) 2024 Curriculum Refresh will weave more LGBTIQA+ representation through all curriculum subjects. See Briefing Note on Rainbow Work Programme Report
  • MoE policy to promote LGBTIQA persons in the community by celebrating them. See Inclusive Education policy, Make LGBTIQA+ Visible Across The Curriculum
  • MoE policy to assist a student to hide pronoun changes from their parents if they do not wish to tell. See Inclusive Education policy, Know How to Address Students
  • Cross Agency Rainbow Network has developed an informal guide to help public sector employees to transition in the workplace and may include class teachers.

Also important to note:

  • Bill to amendment to Human Rights Act to include “gender identity” as a protected grounds against discrimination, will be shortly before Parliament
  • The Conversion Practices Prohibition Act 2022 says it is an offence for anyone (even a parent) to suppress the gender identity of a person under 18.

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