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A Pariah in Her Own Community?

grumpy angry Jacinda Ardern

There are times when criticising the PM becomes spontaneous. Her very presence, addressing any issue, can leave one thinking how this country could be so unfortunate as to be lumbered with such a lamentable simpleton, but there have been a number of occasions when her true character is indisputably exposed. And last week it was on display for all to see. The tragic murder of a Sandringham dairy worker in Ardern’s electorate was an inevitable consequence of this Labour Government’s ‘soft on crime’ policies. Her response was a disgrace, unbefitting a “leader” who is the elected representative of her constituents.

Her excuse for the decision not to front the tragedy was a cowardly evasion of political responsibility. Her pathetic excuses were summed up with this comment: “I’m very aware there’s a family grieving and there is an active police investigation into a homicide and I do need to delicately balance being in the right place at the right time.” Unbelievably, the “right place at the right time” was in the Chatham Islands. She also claimed she did not want to ‘get in the way’ of the police investigation and was wary of disturbing a grieving family.

Her outrageous response to the Christchurch terrorist attack exposes the lie of not wanting to disturb grieving families and getting in the way of the police investigation. She was in boots and all and revelled in the fame that accompanied her intervention. She couldn’t have been more intrusive. So why the about-face? Clearly she knew this was not the place where she would be received as a compassionate and caring leader. She knew she would be received as the leader of a government who has lost the confidence of her electorate to keep them safe from such a crime. The photo opportunity did not bode well. She ran from the responsibility, hiding at the Chatham Islands.

We have a pathetic coward as a prime minister. Her selective response to tragedies only highlights her vanity. She avoids any situation where confrontation will occur. Again it is all about her: her image and her electability. She has blown it this time; her true character is exposed for all to see. She will not recover from this. You can only run so far before you trip. She has fallen flat on her face this time – she has left her electorate on their own and they are clearly not impressed with having a representative who abandons them.
