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A Parliament of Clowns and One Firebrand

The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Well, the 47th Parliament is underway and Day Two is giving us a pretty good idea of what to expect. Most of it is shaping up to be as awful as we expected, but there’s also some indication that we can expect some satisfying fireworks in the Senate.

The former, as should be drearily obvious, thanks to Labor and the Greens. The latter, thanks, of course, to the Peoples’ Pollie, Pauline Hanson.

First, the predictably awful.

Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen has introduced Labor’s legislative package which enshrines the government’s 43 per cent emissions reduction target in law, declaring “the time for action is now.”

“We don’t have a second waste,” Mr Bowen said.

Maybe Boofhead ought to spare a second or two to read a newspaper about what is happening in Germany. Germany is decades ahead of us on the “emissions reduction” bandwagon. Suffice to say, they’re a cautionary tale, to put it mildly.

They have the most expensive electricity in the world. At the same time, their grid is on the point of collapse. The country is seriously debating which to ration in the upcoming winter: power to homes, or power to industry. It is literally burning trees to make electricity.

Oh, and it’s had to turn back to digging up brown coal again.

He also said the passage of the bill would “send a strong signal about the priorities of this parliament.”

Well, that’s obvious enough. Just not in the way Labor would like us to think.

Oh, and congratulations for the Peter Dutton-led Coalition for opposing the legislation. Morrison would have folded like a cheap suit.

One politician who is not for folding is Pauline Hanson.

Pauline Hanson says she stormed out of the Senate during an acknowledgment to country because she considers it “divisive and disenfranchising”.

Like the odious and fatuous “Welcome to Country” garbage, “traditional acknowledge” is a wholly invented piece of ludicrous virtue-signalling. Worse, it’s insulting to the 97% of Australians who don’t claim a spurious “Indigenous” identity.

We don’t need to be “welcomed” to the country we and generations of our ancestors were born in. We don’t need our nation to be continually divided into two classes of Australians.

The One Nation Senator walked out of the Senate as newly-elected Senate President Sue Lines gave the acknowledgment, which is typical after the prayer, and paid respects to Ngunnawal and Ngambri people […]

Senator Hanson yelled out from her place on the other side of the chamber “no I won’t and I never will” before leaving the Senate […]

Senator Hanson said she had been “angered” by the acknowledgment to country for many years, but was tipped over the edge on Wednesday because of a motion that would see the Aboriginal flag displayed in the Senate.

“I’m furious about this, that chamber is a people’s chamber, the Australian people have never been asked to accept or vote on the Aboriginal flag,” she told The Australian.

“It was forced upon us, and given pride and precedent over our Australian flag. I’m furious. This is divisive.”

Senator Hanson called the other Senators “gutless” for not debating the issue.

The Australian

And she’s absolutely right.

Predictably, the whitest “Aborigine” in Australia, the idiotic Lydia Thorpe screeched the only word she knows: “racism!” Thorpe, who is as black as Rachel Dolezal, is the living embodiment of the very-really-black Thomas Sowell’s observation on accusations of “racism”: “politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as ‘racists’”. Thorpe is all three rolled into one toxic, entitled bundle.

Thorpe can screech “racism” all she likes: millions of Australians are thanking Pauline Hanson for finally saying what we’ve all been thinking for years, while we put up with this asinine nonsense.
