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A Pointy Head to Go With His Pointy Hat

Photoshop by Lushington Brady.
“How can there be peace when Hamas are committed to the eradication of Israel?”

James Cleverly

’Tis better, it is said, to stay silent and be thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt. Unfortunately, Pope Francis just can’t keep his gob shut, making sure the whole world knows what a fatuous idiot he really is.

Pope Francis said a two-state solution was needed for Israel and Palestine, adding that war was always a defeat.

The Jerusalem Post

Which is just the sort of empty-headed fairy-floss this Pontiff of Piffle has unfortunately made his trademark.

Au contraire, Francis: it worked a treat in 1945. It also worked out pretty well for the American colonies, when the British fought a series of wars to stamp out slavery, and for Western civilisation when the Ottomans were defeated at Vienna (a victory which is being fast unravelled by modern globalism).

As for the two-state solution, how’d it work out when Israel handed Gaza over to the stewardship of Hamas? Did Palestinians beat their swords into ploughshares? Nope – they beat their water pipes into rockets and their hospitals and schools into launch sites.

The fact is that the Palestinians have been offered a two-state solution from even before the founding of the modern state of Israel. They’ve preferred to dedicate themselves instead to the utter destruction of the Jewish state.

On October 7, the whole world got just a little taste of what “From the River to the Sea” really means, in practice.

Just how does Fairy-floss Frankie propose Israel make peace with that?

“The war in the Holy Land frightens me,” Francis said. “How will these people end this story?”

An escalation, he said, “would mean the end of so many things and so many lives”.


So did WWII. It also meant the end of Nazism. Does the idiot in the pointy hat want to argue that the Allies should have made peace with Hitler, instead?

Apparently because Francis needs the reminder, here’s what Gaza’s rulers really think:

“We will repeat the October 7 attack time and again until Israel is annihilated,” [Ghazi Hamad] told Memri, a research organisation based in the US.

“We are victims – everything we do is justified.”

He continued: “Israel is a country that has no place on our (Palestine’s) land.

“That nation must go because it poses a military and political threat to the security of the Arab and Islamic countries and must be destroyed.”

Hamad went on to say: “There will be a second, third, and fourth because we have the will, the resolve, and the capabilities to fight.”

Displaying a perspicacity that is clearly beyond the Pope, UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly tweeted the obvious:

“How can there be peace when Hamas are committed to the eradication of Israel?

“This is an official from Hamas committing to repeat the atrocities from 07/10 again and again.”


Would Francis for one second live with a neighbour whose only goal is his destruction?

Sadly, something tells me that the asinine twit would welcome such a neighbour with open arms and beg forgiveness even as his own head rolled.
