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comforting lie unpleasant truth lies truths

Dr Duncan Du Bois

Duncan Du Bois spent 34 years as a high school teacher of History and English. He completed a MA dissertation in 1989 at the University of Natal and completed a PhD dissertation in 2013.



Since the announcement by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on August 11 of a significant reconfiguring of its narrative on Covid-19, vaccines and related preventative measures, with the exception of the Wall Street Journal, there has been a deafening silence from all the proponents of the previous narrative.

It is a disgrace that no apology to those who dissented from the flawed narrative has emanated from the echo chamber of the mainstream media (MSM), the globalist governments, big business or the Big Pharma-funded sections of the medical profession. A pox on the adherents of the Covid narrative of deceit!

In a world of propaganda, truth is always a conspiracy. Yet following the CDC’s reconfiguring of its narrative that was unscientifically applied worldwide as holy writ, what was condemned as conspiracy has now been exonerated.

According to the new CDC Guidelines, the unvaxxed, who were all supposed to be dead by now, have the same status as the vaxxed; masks are gone along with vax passports because the vax does not prevent Covid infection. “Covid is no longer disrupting our lives,” says Creta Massetti, CDC chief epidemiologist. The CDC even concedes that in future it is up to individuals to decide how to cope with health risks. A bit late for all the deceased victims of the false narrative.

In examining the op-ed piece published in the Wall Street Journal on August 18 by John Tierney, one is struck by its contortions of subterfuge. It rightly rails against the lockdowns and mask mandates as “the most radical experiment in the history of public health. Oppressive measures were taken against the long-standing advice of public-health experts who warned that they would lead to catastrophe and were proven right. “

“Decades of research were ignored”, yet the CDC and its adherents insisted they were “following the science”. But nowhere does the article concede that by its support for those very measures, it was complicit, along with the rest of the MSM, in the suffering unnecessarily caused. Now it acknowledges that the John Hopkins University studies of mask efficacy around the world and of lockdowns showed they had “little or no effect on Covid mortality”.

It is well and good that the Wall Street Journal wants to hold Anthony Fauci and the CDC “accountable” for the damage their draconian measures caused to millions. But why is there no admission of complicity in the application of those measures?

Why have those who imposed the draconian restrictions not admitted that the Covid virus dies instantly once outdoors and exposed to sunlight? Why, then, did they impose lockdowns, masks and stay-at-home rules which actually incubated the virus?

Those responsible for this outrageous and tyrannical travesty can never again be trusted and deserve lasting contempt and disgrace. Similar antipathy is deserved by all those who stupidly and ignorantly continue to wear masks.
