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Would you let this near your child? The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

When trying to discuss the Groomer phenomenon, a common, well, “rebuttal” is too strong a word. Call, it “screeching denial”, from “Progressives” is that, “OMG, you’re calling all transgenders paedophiles!” To be fair, there are some people who do make that argument: but of course it’s not true.

A great many trans people are not groomers — but there is a predatory underbelly to the trans movement who clearly are. There is an even more substantial group of trannies who are just plain creepy pervs.

And they seem to conform to a type.

Firstly, it seems that “trans-men”, who are the fastest-growing transgender demographic, are mostly confused, moody girls who are being fed the lie that cutting off their budding breasts and going on sterilisation drugs is the answer to all their problems. A great many of them are probably lesbians in denial.

Then there are the early-onset trans-females. These are the boys who are overwhelmingly effeminate from their earliest days. Some of them genuinely felt like females trapped in a male body, others are just girly boys who are lied to that liking girly things means that you really are a girl.

Each of those groups seems relatively harmless to everyone but themselves.

But there is another group who give off creeper vibes like glowing lumps of kryptonite.

An extraordinary fraction of the most prominent and influential male-to-female transgenders are, when you stop and think about them, obvious examples of male ego, aggression, and self-assertion run amok.

Consider “transgender” movie-making pair, “Lily” and “Lana” Wachowski. Their boy- and early-adulthoods were extremely boy-ish. They loved comic books, videogames and D&D, and avidly followed (and still do) the Chicago Bulls. They ran their own construction company to finance their movie-making ambitions. Their most famous movies sport more guns, machismo and fetishised female bodies than any Schwarzenegger product.

That last one — the fetishised, dominatrix-like female bodies — is a clue.

Having made a fortune off The Matrix, Larry Wachowski no longer had to invent fantasy dominatrixes, he literally hired a full-time one for real. When his wife divorced him, he married her — and then became a “her” himself”. His brother eventually followed suit… or frock.

Consider some other landmark cock-to-frock icons.

MSNBC anchorwoman Katy Tur has just published a memoir, Rough Draft, of growing up the daughter of Bob Tur, the top TV news helicopter pilot […]

A relentless wife-beater—somebody in the L.A. news business put together an hour-long tape titled Bob Tur’s Greatest Hits of Katy’s dad punching her mom in their copter live on air—Bob now wears a dress and calls himself Zoey.

Similarly, a few years ago Susan Faludi, another well-known woman journalist, published a memoir, In the Darkroom, about her nasty dad who decided late in life that he was a woman.

It’s notable that late-onset gender dysphoria seems to be a redoubt for mostly pretty toxic-sounding males. One need only consider “Jessica” (nee Jonathan) Yaniv, whose entire tranny shtick seems to be about harassing women. Yaniv first came to attention when s/he launched a blitzkrieg of lawsuits at female beauticians who declined to wax her hairy balls. At the same time, he was assiduously stalking young girls online.

Then there’s Stefonknee Wolschtt, a middle-aged father who suddenly “transitioned” to a “six year old girl”.

Take note of who is parading naked in front of children at “Pride” events, or slithering into schools and kinders for “Drag Queen Story Hour”.

What is it about these late-onset gender dysphoric males that so many of them are so goddamn creepy?

This is frequently (and perhaps always) related to a rather comic sex fetish called autogynephilia in which at puberty, a normally masculine boy begins dressing up in his mother’s lingerie and masturbating in front of the mirror, imagining himself as the beautiful girl he desires […]

For reasons that I’ve never seen completely explained, those with the late-onset syndrome tend to be highly intelligent; ambitious in their stereotypically masculine careers (e.g., Tur insisted on being called “Chopper Bob”); fans of hard science fiction (with Robert Heinlein a favorite); and, often, not very nice. They tend to be highly insistent that others validate their sex fantasy about themselves and relentless trouble to those who won’t […]

Almost twenty years ago, I interviewed Northwestern U. psychologist J. Michael Bailey about his book The Man Who Would Be Queen, which brought down upon me the wrath of a small group of ex-men such as the brilliant libertarian economic historian Donald-Deirdre McCloskey and computer scientist Lynn Conway. Man for man, these guys were the Seal Team Six of proto–cancel culture.


I have frequently labelled transgenderism as “misogyny in drag”. That might not be entirely fair, in that it seems mostly to be true only of the late-onset m-f brigade.

But it may explain why so many are so driven to humiliate women in any way they can, from belting them on the sports field to degrading them as mere “birthing persons”. If you can’t beat men, go beat women instead. Put on a dress and you’ll be celebrated for it.

How many red flags can you fit in one picture? The BFD.
