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Dr Rich McCormick actually treated Covid patients. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Anthony Fauci — like Marjorie Taylor Greene, I decline to use the honorific “Dr” — is a career bureaucrat who earned a medical degree back when flared trousers and the Apollo missions were big things, who went into a government desk job right after completing his residency. Dr Rich McCormick is an emergency physician and twenty-year military veteran who became a politician just four years ago.

One of these actually treated patients during Covid. The other was neck-deep in its origins.

They are not the same.

And one is having none of the other’s bullshit.

Rep. Rich McCormick, R-Ga., rebuked Dr. Anthony Fauci’s comments about Americans’ “ideological bulls—” during a hearing Monday.

The issue is whether or not Americans — or anyone else — have valid reasons to be concerned about the Covid vaccinations.

Fauci testified before the House Oversight Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Monday regarding his response to the pandemic while at the helm of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
Rep. McCormick, who served as an ER physician during the pandemic, played audio from an interview during which Fauci blamed “ideological bulls—” for apprehensions toward the COVID-19 vaccine by the public.
Are all objections to COVID vaccinations ideological bulls—, Dr. Fauci?” the representative asked.


Astonishingly — or not, given his track record of evasions, contradictions, and outright lies — Fauci claimed that that was “not what I was referring to”.

Except that it absolutely was. As an audio clip McCormick played showed, Fauci explicitly stated that “mak[ing] it difficult for people” makes them “lose their ideological bullshit and they get vaccinated”.

McCormick also called Fauci out on the whole “The Science” narrative.

On the topic of whether the 6-foot social distancing guidelines were scientifically valid, several committee members questioned Fauci on his statement during a closed-door hearing in January in which he said, “It sort of just appeared that 6 feet was going to be the distance” and that it was not based in science.

So they just made it up.

“Americans were aggressively bullied, shamed and silenced for debating issues such as social distancing, masks, vaccines or the origins of COVID,” [Dr McCormick] said.

“Americans do not hate science, but Americans know hypocrisy when they see it.”

USA Today

Astonishingly, Fauci also admitted that vaccines were indeed forced on people.

“I have to say that I don’t see a big solution other than some sort of mandatory. I know federal officials don’t like to use that term. Once people feel empowered and protected legally, you are going to have schools, universities, and colleges are going to say, you want to come to this college, buddy? You’re going to get vaccinated, lady. You’re going to get vaccinated. Big corporations like Amazon and Facebook and all of those others are going to say, you want to work for us? You get vaccinated.”

So much for “nobody was forced to take it”.

As McCormick hammered home, people’s lives were ruined because of Fauci’s own ideological bullshit.

Miss Allison Williams testified before this committee about losing her job because she sought an exemption for ESPN’s vaccine mandate, which came from recommendations from bureaucrats like yourself. She and her husband were actively working with a fertility expert, a physician, on how to get pregnant, and agreed with the premise that she was young, healthy, wanted to get pregnant, and shouldn’t get the vaccination for medical purposes. But she was fired because you made it hard, just like you said in your statement, because you didn’t want to make sure that the ideological bullshit got in the way of her working, of living her life, of making a medical decision with her healthcare professional. I think America should take great offense to this. That’s exactly what you meant when you said making it hard for people to live without getting a vaccination. You affected people’s ability to work, travel, be educated, to actually flourish in American society, to self-determine as we’re all given God-given rights. Shame on you, Doctor Fauci. You’ve become doctor of fear. Americans do not hate science. I don’t hate science. The American people hate having their freedoms taken from them. You inspired and created fear through mask mandates, school closures, vaccine mandates that have destroyed the American people’s trust in our public health institutions. This fear you created will continue to have ripple effects over generations to come.

As NZDSOS know, actual doctors who dared speak out were vilified and bullied. Dr McCormick was one of them.

Despite my education and my training and my experience, my opinions were relegated to conspiracy and misinformation by so-called healthcare experts who had never treated a patient throughout the entire pandemic.

Dr Rich McCormick.
I want to point out that I’m probably the only member of Congress that actually treated patients during the pandemic.

From the very beginning to the very end of the pandemic, during night shifts in the ER, thousands of patients during that time and in 2020 I was censored.

My medical license was threatened because I disagreed with bureaucrats, literally taken off the Internet as a person who is treating patients with leading edge technologies, developing theories, but doing my very best, but being censored by the United States government for the first time, stepping in and taking the place of medical professionals as the experts in healthcare.

Any dissent surrounding COVID-19 treatments, mask mandates, and any public policy surrounding the pandemic was immediately labeled as anti-science.

I watched as public health officials and politicians told my patients what treatment options were best for them, regardless of their comorbidities or their medical history.

Despite my education and my training and my experience, my opinions were relegated to conspiracy and misinformation by so-called healthcare experts who had never treated a patient throughout the entire pandemic.

This has been a black eye on the medicine and has highlighted why government should never, never insert itself in between patients and their healthcare providers.

X/Simon Ateba

Despite the faux-outrage of her colleagues, Marjorie Taylor Greene hit the nail on the head when she refused to honour Fauci with the title “Dr”. As she said, “that man does not deserve to have a license. As a matter of fact, it should be revoked and he belongs in prison.”

As do a great many politicians, bureaucrats, and journalists.
