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A River of Cant from Western Leaders

It’s that obvious. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Truth may be the first casualty of war, but rank hypocrisy is the first side effect. After all, it’s Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama who also holds the prize for the longest time at war of any US president. It was also Democrat golden idol Hillary Clinton who once bragged about her special friendship with Vladimir Putin: “He’s an engaging and, you know, very interesting conversationalist”.

So, when Putin surprised nobody by finally invading the Ukraine, the hypocrisy wasn’t long in coming.

Most notably, the very leaders who’ve spent the last two years trampling their own citizens’ human rights and freedom into the Covidian mud, suddenly became the world’s greatest champions of freedom. Just ask them.

Leading the pack was none other than “Moosealini” himself, Justin Trudeau.

“Canada… will defend democracy. We’re taking these actions today to stand against authoritarianism.”

Yes, he actually said that with a straight face.

The prime minister said, the Western world must strengthen its resolve to defend democratic principles that “generations of Canadians have fought to protect.”

“These are deeply disturbing times for the international community and for people everywhere who care about freedom and democracy,” Trudeau said.


This is all coming from the leader whose goon squads trample women on mobility scooters, whose secret police use criminal hackers to obtain and publish the full details of anyone who lawfully donated to a protest group, while the government freezes their bank accounts. Even now, Trudeau is attempting to pass laws that would make it a crime to even think of posting “hate speech” online.

But Baby Castro is far from the only stinking hypocrite to pretend to be a freedom fighter.

Joe Biden is currently hiding from his own citizens behind a wall of concrete, barbed wire and carefully “re-educated” troops, and has arrested and held in virtual solitary confinement hundreds of protesters. Biden, like Trudeau, is facing massive “Freedom” protests over his covid mandates.

Yet, here he is, also banging the “freedom” drum.

Warning that this was “a dangerous moment for all of Europe and for freedom around the world,” the President announced a new raft of measures that he said would devastate Russia’s economy and maximise the long-term impact on the country and its people.

Sydney Morning Herald

(Those would, by the way, be the very Trump-era sanctions that Biden removed as soon as he took office.)

Britain may have finally lifted most of its covid restrictions now, but for more than a year, the Johnson government kept Britons locked down under some of the most stringent lockdown, mask-and-vaccine-mandate policies in the world (all while the PM partied illegally at No. 10). Suddenly, Johnson and his ministers are all about freedom.

Freedom is so very precious […] To be British is to stand up for freedom, democracy and the rights of individuals.

The Sun

All but their rights to free movement, free association, free speech, freedom of medical choice…

Of course, no covidian hypocrisy show is complete without the Punch of the South Pacific.

Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta says New Zealand condemns the advance of Russian armed forces into Ukraine.

“We stand with the people of Ukraine impacted by this conflict. Our thoughts are with them,” Mahuta said this evening.

“Russia’s actions are a flagrant breach of fundamental international rules,” she added.

Otago Daily Times

International rules like… the Nuremberg Code? The right of return to one’s country of citizenship? The right to protest? Yip, yip, that is what it is.

As if to underscore the Ardern government’s hypocrisy, Mahuta was busily warning New Zealanders to leave the Ukraine… although it’s not exactly clear where they’re supposed to go, given New Zealand’s closed borders which are keeping thousands of Kiwis out of their own country.

Adding another scoop of stinky brown icing was none other than New Zealand’s own miserable globalist ghost — who, in a stunning show of absurdity, compared peaceful Freedom protesters to Putin.

Asked what her message to Putin was, [Helen Clark] said: “Pretty much like that to the protesters in front of Parliament – ‘go home.'”[…]

Clark, a former UN administrator.

News Hub

Ah, yes: the UN, from where Clark enthusiastically endorsed Xi Xinping’s notorious Belt and Road Initiative and dismissed the UN’s role in spreading cholera to Haiti as just “legal issues”. What Clark has to say about the UN’s role in turning Libya into a failed state with open slave markets, or its inaction while half a million people died in Rwanda, is anyone’s guess.

Just to put the big, red cherry on top of the lashings of bullshit icing the hypocrisy cake, along comes none other than “Dictator Dan” himself.

Daniel Andrews has condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and vowed to light up Melbourne buildings in yellow and blue to match the Ukrainian flag […]

“We should always look to peaceful resolutions of conflicts, not violence and aggression.”

Daily Mail

Yes — this, from the guy who unleashed black-armoured Robocops with rubber bullets and teargas, smashing old ladies into the concrete, and shooting protesters on the steps of the Shrine of Remembrance.

You couldn’t make this stuff up.
