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A Senior Registered NZ Nurse’s Story

woman in white button up shirt and blue stethoscope

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science

The NZDSOS Truth Project is an opportunity for health care workers and others to disclose what they are seeing since the rollout of the injections.

Please note: When asking for this information, we are aware that there are people who seek to discredit us and who have posed as people they are not (e.g. journalists pretending to be patients).  We are trusting that those who provide this information are genuine and seek to share what is being hidden.  We cannot guarantee that there are not some with ulterior motives providing false information.  As doctors, our default setting is trusting people.

I am a Senior Registered Nurse and I am vaccine injured. When the Covid Response Act was implemented, I sought the advice of my specialist, who advised me (and my employer) that I was high risk for an adverse reaction because of past major reactions to other vaccines.

Despite this, I didn’t meet the criteria for exemption and opted to be vaccinated against Covid in order to keep my job. Unfortunately, as warned, I reacted to this vaccine and have spent the last seven months recovering.

My adverse reaction wasn’t severe enough for me to be granted an exemption because it wasn’t deemed permanent or life threatening. The MOH’s decision has meant that I am now required to receive another Covid-19 vaccination (that may or may not cause another adverse reaction – possibly worse than the first) just to keep my job.

Prior to receiving my Covid-19 vaccine I worked in a busy hospital ward where I’d often miss breaks, leave work dehydrated, starving and exhausted all because I’d prioritised my patients’ care over my own health and wellbeing. These sacrifices aren’t uncommon in healthcare: we do it because we care, but that doesn’t make it right. I’m not complaining though. I love my job, as do all of my colleagues, some of whom have also sustained vaccine injuries themselves.

In fact, most health care professionals (that I’ve spoken to) know of at least one person who has been adversely affected by the Covid-19 vaccine. In my department of less than 50 employees, at least three received a diagnosis of either myocarditis or pericarditis following their booster vaccination.

NZDSOS comment: this equates to an astonishing 6% cardiac injury rate, also shown elsewhere, that belies the rubbish coming out of IMAC, MOH etc.

You may be wondering why my colleagues (and other vaccine-injured health care professionals) haven’t shared their stories publicly; the answer is easy – we are frightened of losing our livelihoods. The saying “snitches get stitches” comes to mind. However, in this case it would appear that “snitches” often end up on a black list, never to be employed in their profession again.

So why am I sharing my story, you ask? Because I trained as a nurse to make a positive difference in the lives of others, and I will continue to do so, even if it is the last thing I do.

NZDSOS Comment. The callousness and cold-hearted cruelty in refusing exemptions towards people clearly at risk or injured is beyond belief. And they are dedicated people who love their jobs and their patients, now lost to the system. Is this actually the idea?

If you are a Health Care worker Tell your story here.


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